Chapter 25: Cinnamon Rolls & Infidelity.

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I posted an update about me being back but I deleted it without thinking so if you didn't read it SORRY.
Basically, hi, I'm back and IM SO EXCITED NSJXHSJS.
I'm trying to post as regularly as possible, I promise!!
Emphasis on trying.

I also really hate this chapter so I'm sort of it sucks lmao




The silence is intoxicating; I've never heard hearing nothing sound so loud before. It buzzes in my ear, highlighting the sound of my uneven breathes and quickened heart rate. I can feel the adrenaline running thick in my veins, making my mind run on full speed.

I need a way out of this, but there really isn't any.

We just stand and stare at each other.

I probably look like I'm scared for my life right now, yet she doesn't seem phased. She's calm, yet serious. She wants answers.

For a second I think about just denying everything, saying I've come in here by chance and not because I'm the one behind the code name - but I know better than that.

Actually, I'm almost relieved that she's found out. I've secretly been dealing with an undercurrent of guilt ever since Charlie ran me home from Sophie's party almost a week ago now. So I guess there is a least one positive to this situation. But that's where the positives stop. I have no idea what's going to happen now I'm about to, no doubt, confirm her suspicions over what her boyfriend has been up to these past few days.

I'm going to tell her. I'm not going to lie. And, although I'll find comfort in the truth being told, I know I'll have no control over what she chooses to do next. And my best guess is, she's gonna tell people.

I mean, why shouldn't she? Her boyfriend, literally the figure head of Sixth Form, has been cheating on her with a boy... and that boy is me of all people.

There's no way she can deal with this without needing to talk to her friends about it. She'll need comforting just like any other human would in a situation like this. And I know for a fact that once she tells one of her friends, it won't even be three hours before the majority of Sixth Form will know. The news will spread like wildfire. By the time the final bell rings today, everything will have changed.

Suddenly I'm fully aware of the future that lies ahead of me. Tamara and Charlie will be over, everyone will know everything about Charlie and I, everyone will talk and have their own opinions and, subsequently, Charlie and I will be over, too.

If I tell her everything that she deserves to know, there will be massive repercussions. But I just want this all to be over. No more sneaking around. No more secrets. No more cheating.

It ends here.

"I knew it was you." Her voice slices through the silence with a tone which is actually far from angry - it's quiet and perhaps a little heartbroken.

"It's me." I confirm.

She puffs her cheeks out and exhales a shocked blow of air before she moves back and starts leaning up against the table behind her.

I push myself to say something. "Tamara, I'm so sorry." I start to move towards her, but she halts me by holding up her palm.

"Don't." She cuts me off. "We can't do this here."

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