Chapter 22: Call Me By Your Pseudonym.

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If you're someone who always waits for me to post a new chapter, I honestly think you deserve an award for patience because DAMN I need to get my shit together.

I, once again, apologise y'all. I'm a mess.



He actually looks quite embarrassed, but in an adorable kind of way, and I actually could cry when I think about what he's just said.

I can't help but think of all those months when I used to get giddy over something as simple as him asking me for paper in GSCE Science - and now he's standing under my porch confessing that he couldn't wait 4 more days to spend time with me again. If my 16 year old self was here right now, he'd probably faint.

"You're cute." I smile as I swing my backpack around on my shoulders so I can grab my keys from the front pocket.

He doesn't say anything. Instead, his blush just gets deeper.

"You could've let yourself in, y'know." I point out as I slip past him and slide my key into the lock. "You know where the spare key is."

"I was scared your Mum and Dad were gonna come home from their trip and find me lounging on your sofa or something." He laughs slightly.

"They're not back until Saturday night." I open the door. "How long you been waiting?"

"Since, like, 4. I went home for a couple minutes and then came here."

"What?!" I turn around. "You've been out there for two hours?!"

He looks embarrassed again. "Yeah."

"Why didn't you text me, or phone me, or something?" I go through the door.

"I didn't know if you were with anyone." He follows me into the hallway. "I didn't want to text you asking when you were coming home if you were with Sian and Jess - I was worried they would see and get suspicious."

I turn to face him, close my eyes and smile slightly. "You're an idiot." I slide my phone out of my pocket and go into my contacts. "Pick a name." I tell him.

"A name, why?"

"I'm changing your contact information so when you text me it won't come up with your actual name. So pick a Pseudonym."

"Uh," He thinks about it for a couple seconds. "Darren... Simmonds?"

"Wow, mysterious." I roll my eyes but choose to use it anyway.

"Can I change yours too?" He asks, but doesn't wait for a response before he gets his phone out. "Because then you can text me during school and stuff."

"You actually want me to text you?" I walk through into the kitchen and he follows me as he types on his phone.

"Duh. Pick a name."

"Joel... uh... Davis."

He types it in and says, "Good choice." before putting it back into his pocket. "How come you're home so late?"

I put my folders and my bag on the work surface and switch the kettle on. "My bus is shit. Tea or coffee?"

"Coffee, please. You took the bus? You never take the bus." He points out with a hint of confusion.

"I had no other way of getting home. Mum's not here, and I'm not talking to Mason, so it was the bus or the train, and the train station is an hour walk from here."

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