Why Do You Have My Face?

945 32 2

Pairing: Derillo

Goddamn do I have a hangover. I got so fucking hammered last night at Jordan's party. I don't even remember how I got home or even if I am home.

I looked around the room, my vision blurry a little. I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and noticed I wasn't in my room. I was in Danny's. He must've brought me here instead of letting me drive home or take a cab. Funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he got just as hammered as I did. Maybe it was just my imagination. To be honest, I'm glad I'm here, in his house, in his bed... I've always liked him.

It's funny, I don't feel like myself. I feel off like I'm somewhere I shouldn't belong. Maybe it's just the hangover. I need to find Danny.

As I opened the door I was greeted by a delicious smell. "Danny?" I called while walking out of the room. My voice sounded different. Weird. "In the kitchen!" He called back. His voice... It sounds familiar. I mean, I know it's him but it just sounds... Different. I walked downstairs and stood confused. That wasn't Danny's back. I know his ass anywhere. "Uhm... Where Danny?" I asked really confused. The guy tur around and I let out a startled yell.

"What?" I asked. I. Not me me. I. My body. What the hell! My mouth made the same noise.

"Dude! You have my face!" He yelled. Danny? Wait... Danny!

"Dude! You have my face." I repeated, putting emphasis on 'my.'

"Oh my god... What drugs did we do at that party?" Danny asked, leaning back against the counter. I rubbed my, his, eyes. "I don't know." I whispered.

"What do we do? The guys want to hang out today." Danny asked, clearly panicked.

"We, act like each other? Can't be that hard right?" I suggested. Danny gave it some thought then nodded.

Damn could Danny make some killer ass pancakes. God I need him in my life... Well, more than he already is. The guys were over and so far, no one suspected anything. Danny left to go to the bathroom and I started to panic a little. "So Danny," Dylan started. I didn't respond for a moment, forgetting that I was him. "Danny?" He asked and nudge me. Oh shit. I looked at him.

"Yeah? Sorry." I asked. He chuckled and waved it off.

"When are you going to tell Jorel that you like him?" He asked, taking a sip from his beer. I choked on air. I coughed and the guys looked at me weirdly. "What?" I asked in a strained voice from the coughing. George chuckled.

"Did you get over that quickly or are you still drunk?" He asked with an amused smile. I laughed awkwardly.

"I don't know. Uhm. Now?" I suggested right as Danny came back into the living room. I was probably a blushing mess right now. "Now what?" He asked as he plopped down onto the couch next to Jordan.

Dylan nudge me and casually got up. He went to the bathroom. Jordan and George each went into the kitchen as casually as they could. It was just me and Danny. I scratched the back of my, well his, neck. I looked around.

"Jorel?" He asked making me jump and look at him. He was right next to me. I blushed. "Are you okay?" I sighed and looked down. I bite my lip and look up at him.

"So you like me?" I asked. It was his turned to blush. He copied my actions but kept his head down. "Please don't hate me." He whispered. I lifted up his, my, okay you get it, face and looked into his eyes. I kissed him and it felt weird to be honest, but that's just because we're in each others bodies.

That somewhat awkward kiss turned sweet and passionate. We pulled away and I stared at Danny's beautiful face. His actual face. I smiled. "Hey, I have my face back." I joked. He chuckled.

"Yay! Derillo is real-o!" Dylan yelled. I face palmed and Danny chuckled.

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