Wendy-Er, Jorel Run Away With Me

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So, even though I hate using my phone to update, this book is long over due for an update. I'm alive still, but I haven't been upstairs in over two months because u just hate being up there now. Can't really update because my computer is up there so.. Yeah. Anyways, I had this short idea so here it is. Yes, this isn't the normal layout..

I'm watching the SpongeBob Movie.
I'm 17. I'm completely mature.

Pairing: Derillo [Uhm, goodboy!17!Jorelxbadboy?18!Danny]

A 17 year old Jorel sat in a awkward yet comfortable position in his black desk chair, his eyes darting across the page as he took in all the action of his favorite comic book series, Notes From The Underground. He wore a dark red hoodie which smelled of smoke and cologne, the right side pocket having three burn holes, varying in size, the other pocket kissed with blood stains from fights. The plastic bit at the end of the strings showing signs of wear from Jorel chewing on them softly since freshman year.

The hood was barley hanging on his head as he read in the dimly lit room, his window open which let in the Spring night's cool air. He was too far into his comic to hear anything happening out of his window.

Outside a black, classic Mustang pulled up to the edge of the road, a 60s love song filled the mostly empty car but also leaked out through the open driver's side window. Danny took his final drag of his cigarette. As he blew the smoke out, he looked towards the open window. The desk chair had its back turned towards him which slightly annoyed the blonde as he wanted to see Jorel's beautiful face being lit up with a mix of the moon's light and his lamp's. Danny turned his car off and got out. The echo of the car door shutting would of sent shivers down anyone's spine who was walking in the quiet neighborhood. The older male tossed the fag carelessly in a random direction. He made his way around the back of the car and towards the backyard fencing.

Dogs barked as they heard Danny climb the noisy chain link fence, but the Italian was still unaware of any background noise. He felt the hairs of his neck stand up as he neared the end of the comic. The climax was reaching it's peak, sending a shiver up his spine. He bit his lip gently as he turned the page. As he was about to finish off the latest installment of his cherished series, two strong hands grab his shoulders. Jorel let out a piercing shriek and threw his comic up. The thin sheets of paper fell on the floor as did Danny. Jorel stood up and whipped around.

"Daniel! That wasn't funny!" The black haired male hissed. Danny looked up at him through strains of his blonde locks with a cute smile. Jorel crossed his arms and looked away with a blush. Danny, chuckling at his behavior, stood up and placed his hands on the smaller males waist.

"Aw I'm sorry sweetheart." He cooed, pulling Jorel close. Jorel placed his hands on the older male's chest but kept looking away.

"Aw don't be like that." Danny pouted and he pulled his boyfriend closer. He kissed random spots of his lover's neck. As Jorel was about to give in when he started to nibble at his neck, he remembered his father was right down the hall. He pulled away quickly making a slightly hurt look enter Danny's eyes.

"We can't Danny, my dad is right down the hall. You know what he'll do again if he catches you here." Jorel explained. He turned around and focused his attention on his comic to avoid his boyfriend's big puppy dog eyes. As he picked up the flimsy colored paper, Danny cussed, making him drop it.

"Daniel!" Jorel snapped in a whisper, glaring at him. He picked up the comic and turned around.

"I hate your father." Danny growled as he slammed down onto the bed. "I wish you didn't have to deal with him anymore."

"I know," Jorel whispered, setting the comic down on his desk, which was littered with drawings of monsters and characters, unfinished homework and pictures, drawn or taken, of him and Danny. "But I can't just leave, I wish I could though."

Danny sat up instantly after Jorel said that. "Yes you can."

"What?" The latter asked stunned. He looked at his boyfriend with expectancy. Danny rushed over and grabbed his biceps.

"You can runway. You can runway with me. Let's runway together!" Excitement filled his gorgeous brown eyes. Jorel blinked, thinking he was only joking.

"Dee, you can't be-" "I am. You'll be 18 in four days! All we have to do is not get caught until then and then you're fucking free from him forever."

Jorel looked at him with an unreadable look. He was completely insane. While Danny was out of school already, he wasn't. He'd have to drop his studies, his friends, his life. All of it for Danny, but not just for him, he would also be leaving this horrible town, his horrible school and his horrible, good for nothing dad. He looked at Danny who stared into his eyes with hope.

"I can't just leave everything, this isn't a movie," Jorel grabbed his hands and pulled them down softly, "even if we've been together for three years now." He mumbled the last part to himself. He felt like he was making Danny hate him.

"Marry me." Danny blurted out. Jorel's head snapped up.

"What did you just say?" He asked in a shaking voice.

"You heard me Decker. Marry me. I've never loved anyone the way I love you. I'm a mess without you. I won't have him keep us separated anymore. Marry me, right after you turn 18. No one can tear us apart then." Danny rushed out with a serious and red face.

"D-Danny are you serious? You're asking a lot from me." Jorel whispered. Danny grabbed his face gently with both hands and kissed him passionately. He pulled away, leaving them both breathless.

"I know, and I wouldn't if I didn't see you being by my side for the rest of my life. So, angel, what do you say?" Danny gave a bashful smile.

"Okay, I can always go back to school," Jorel trialed off. "Once we're out of state."

Alright that was a mess but it felt good to write again.

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