Love Sick

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Inspiration brought to you by: @hlm_jdog 

Music brought to you by: Me being obsessed with this song

A/N: My dudes! Almost to 1,000 reads! And you think I'm joking but this song will be on a constant repeat until I'm done with this one shot. This is short. Might change the cover.

Pairing: George x Jorel

On The Bus In Toronto, Canada

"Man, that last concert must of really took a toll on him. Jorel hasn't moved from his bunk all day." Danny spoke up, bringing the absence of one of their rappers to the groups attention. It did finally dawn on all of them that he hasn't moved, at all. Even George, was the latter's boyfriend. Regret instantly filled him, realizing also that he hasn't said anything to the younger male or took notice. He already believed that he didn't deserve his boyfriend and this just added to it. You now maybe saying, "George that's bullshit." but that wouldn't make him change his mind. Jorel was romantic to the max with George and George, he could barely get a reply out when the Italian complemented him or did anything for him. Jorel disagrees though. He liked being the romantic one and the older male shows his love in different ways, some of them being way more fun than roses, if you catch his drift.

"Maybe he died." Jordan joked making the others laugh a little. He saw George tense up a little and put smiled at him reassuringly. "It's just a joke Gee. He's fine, just tired. How about we all let him just sleep. Let's go out." The others thought about the suggestion for a minute then agreed. The Irishman though, he was wary. What if something was seriously wrong with Jorel? The others got up and got ready. They got off the bus, one by one until it was just Jordan and George.

"I should really stay here with him JT." George breathed. Jordan nodded, understanding completely. He got off and joined the others, leaving the two lovers alone. George decided to give Jorel another hour. 

One hour turned into three. George finally had enough of the feeling in his gut and decided to take action.

"J? Baby are you okay?" He called out. No answer. Considering how far the bunks were from the couch and how loud he called out, he should of gotten an answer. "Jorel?" he called again. He got up and made his way to his boyfriends bunk. Pulling the curtain back he was met with an adorable sight. Jorel was wrapped up, eye closed, sleeping. He leaned in and kissed the Italian's forehead but quickly pulled away when he was met with heat. He gently shook Jorel who in response groaned and pulled the blanket closer. He did it again and J, much to his own dismay, woke up. 

"George," he groaned. "What do you want?" He looked at him through bits of his out growing, black hair. George gently moved the pieces out of his face and looked lovingly and worryingly into his eyes.

"Babe, you're burning up. Are you feeling alright?" He asked softly. Jorel shook his head with a small pout. He whined when the blanket was removed off of him.

"You need to loose your clothes hun. Change into shorts and go to the back, I'll meet you back there in a minute." George ordered. The slightly shorter male groaned but obliged. While he did that, George searched around for medicine.

"If anyone wants to get high there is weed everywhere, but fuck, if anyone gets sick, there isn't medicine in fucking sight." He quietly ranted, finally finding a small bottle of pills. He grabbed them and a water bottle then headed to where his boyfriend was. Jorel looked up from his fetal position on the couch. He slowly sat up, making a displeased and slightly agonized look while doing so. George handed him the water before opening the small white bottle with pills to help him. He handed the younger male two of them then sat them somewhere. Jorel took them and went back to his previous position. George sighed and lifted him up bridal style. He got comfortable on the couch, letting Jorel lay on him and turned on the TV, letting whatever was on play, which was South Park. After a few minutes, they both fell asleep. They slept the rest of the day and night.

George was woken up by soft kisses being placed on his chest. He rubbed his eye with his free hand and looked down. He was met with Jorel's beautiful orbs. He smiled.

"I feel way better now, thank you Georgie." He whispered. George smiled and kissed his lovers head. 

"Anything for my pup." He said.

A/N: This was short so I must do another short one to balance this out.

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