Not All Heroes Are Muscly

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Aron/Deuce x Danny/Lion/Simba/Precious smol bean/Golden Angel Boy/Jorel's bitch...
I got this.
Aron and his skinny little shit self...
I may not like Aron that much but
It'd be lying if I said I didn't ship this even somewhat.
Creepy_Chris requested this. Hope you like

Our six, well now five, heroes, Danny, Jordan, George, Jorel works at a bar.
"Hey you forgot the homie Funny Man!"
Right. And Dylan. In also another world where I am watching Grace and Frankie and have a cool, deep narration voice. Daniel aka Lion, is working at the bar, serving up drink when some guy gets a little too cocky because his ego is bigger, way bigger, I'm talking like, the sun compared to a fucking atom big, than his dick, and doesn't take no for an answer. Here, a secret, very skinny, like, anorexic skinny, hero, is sitting in the corner like it's a western film and the hero is sitting there waiting for action. Like when the Legends went into the west the first time. In a world where I also make up drink names because I have no fucking idea how many there are and there names and I'm too lazy to Google them...And in a world where this is all being read in this voice...and it's slowly turning into Matt's voice. I sound like batman.

"Here's your whiskey tonic." Danny said, served with a smile. The man across from him smiled as well, but not because of the drink, but because of Danny.

"Thanks, but I think I want to taste something else." He tried, winking. Danny, the flirtatious comment going straight over his nonstraight, innocent head, just chuckled awkwardly and moved on to the next customer, also because he wasn't interested in the muscle bound cocky guy. Cocky indeed. Hahaha. Pun intended.

The guy, not getting the hint because he's a dumbass, moved over to a empty seat, obviously, infront of Daniel. Dylan watched carefully from the other end of the bar, incase he needed to beat some bitches ass because they can't get a piece of ass and is just a general ass. The guy chuckled and said, "Oh, I like it when they play hard to get." Which was clearly not the case. Danny looked at him, confused and slighty agitated.

"I'm not playing hard to get." Young Daniel said but it came out (of the closet) as more of a question. From across the bar, another hero, a skinny fucking hero, watched carefully, drinking his Corona, did I mention how fucking skinny he is? Like this guy could fit in a highschool locker.

This equally young hero, his name is Aron. Not to be confused with Erin, or any other way to spell Aron. He fell pretty fucking hard for Danny. He broke all his damn Bones because, I mean he's just so goddamn skinny. This narration voice is hilarious.

The guy, not taking the damn hint, he grabbed Danny's hand and rubbed his thumb against it. Danny, being totally fucking creeped out, froze. "Could you please let go of my hand?" He asked politely, well as politely as he could because he is freaking the fuck out right now. I'm currently in the bar as well, writing this all down. Oh shit. I just broke the forth fucking wall.

Danny pulled his hand away which upset the cocky sun of a bitch. "What's the matter baby? Come on. I can make you feel special. Let's go back to mine." He coaxed in a aggressive tone. Before Danny could deny or run or freak out even more, his hero came.

"I would like it if you left my boyfriend alone bitch." Aron snapped, glaring at the guy, flexing as much muscle as the little shit could. Aron winked at Danny who blushed and looked down, smiling a little. "He's your boyfriend? Yeah right." The stranger let out a laugh. This, well this pissed Aron off. He grabbed the guy by the shirt. It's like a mouse verses a horse. "Yes. He is my boyfriend." The guy, scared fucking shitless, left pretty quickly.

Danny ran around the counter and hugged his skinny superman. Or batman. Or spiderman. Whoever you prefer. Personally I like Loki and Joker. I mean they're pretty awesome. I'm getting off topic.

Aron chuckled and hugged Danny back. They both blushed. When Danny pulled away, he had a boost of confidence. "Maybe that boyfriend thing can be true." He said with a wink. He handed him a slip of paper and - wait where the hell did he get paper? Does he just carry that around in his pocket. Does every band member do this in these fanfics? Does it just appear by magic? How - how does this work?

Aron blushes then smiled. "Yeah. Maybe."

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