AU 1: The Lift

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This is all based on this video which I had to fucking do. Not really a ship one shot but still.. this video is funny. all credit goes to the BBC for this.

Scottish!George and Jorel. and just for the fuck of it British!Danny, Irish!Matt, Dylan is still Mexican and Jordan will be Australian. though none of them have any parts.

I really can see these two in this situation 


George and Jorel walked into the lift. George looked around as the doors closed.

"Where's the buttons?" George asked looking around.

"Oh no, they've installed voice-recognition technology in this lift, they have no buttons." Jorel pointed out, pointing to the circular mic/speaker on the roof of the lift.

"Voice-recognition technology? In a lift? In Scotland? You've ever tried voice-recognition technology?" George asked. Jorel shrug his shoulder's up.


"They don't do Scottish accents." George pointed out while crossing his arms.

Jorel looked up. "Eleven." He said loudly and clearly. Silence.

"Could you please repeat that?" An American female voice said through it. George sighed while Jorel looked at it blankly.

"Eleven." George repeated.

"Eleven. Eleven." Jorel said louder.

"Eleven." George repeated.

"Could you please repeat that?" The woman's voice asked. Jorel's eye twitched slightly.

"El-ev-en." He said carefully. George motioned to it.

"Who's idea was this?" George asked slightly bitterly. "You need to try an American accent." He cleared his throat. "Eleven." To be honest, he sounded country slightly. "Eleven." He tried again in the voice.

"That sounds Irish not American." Jorel said, looking at him. George glared at him slightly.

"No it doesn't." He looked back up. "Eleven." He tried again.

"Where in America is that? Dublin?" Jorel asked with a slight smirk.

"I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" The woman asked.

"Try an English accent." Jorel repeated. He cleared his throat. "Eleven. Eleven." George snorted.

"You from the same part of England as Dick Van Dyke?" George asked amused.

"Let's hear yours then smart-ass." Jorel snapped.

"Please speak slowly and clearly." The woman said.

"Smart-ass!" Jorel repeated louder and condescendingly.

 "Eleven." George said, mocking Jorel's tone.

"I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" She asked. There was silence for a second before George has enough.

"Eleven! If you don't understand the lingo, away back home to your own country!" He exclaimed. Jorel snickered. 

"Ooo, is that the talk now is it? Away back home to your own country?" Jorel asked with a slight smirk. George dropped his hands.

"Oh don't start Mr. Bleeding-Heart. How can you be racist to a lift?" George asked annoyed, pointing at it.

"Please speak slowly and clearly." She said.

The two wore an annoyed look.

"Eleven." Nothing. "Eleven." Jorel said louder, but still nothing. "Eleven." Jorel repeated until George got annoyed and cut him off.

"You're just saying it the same way!" He snapped.

"I'm going to keep saying it until it understands Scottish, alright!" Jorel shot back in defense. "Eleven." Jorel resumed to repeating it until George cut him off once more.

"Oh just take us anywhere ya cow! Just open the doors!" He yelled.

"This is a voice-activated elevator. Please state which floor you would like to go to in a clear and calm manner." The woman said.

George's eye twitched.

"Calm, calm?" He asked. Jorel looked at him. "Where's that coming from? Why is it telling people to be calm?" 

"Because they knew they'd be selling this to Scottish people who'd be going off their nuts at it!" Jorel shouted becoming visibly pissed.

"You have no selected a floor." She said.

"Aye we have! Eleven!" Jorel yelled.

"If you would like to get out of the elevator without selecting a floor, simply say "Open the doors please".

George made a face. "Please? Please? Suck my wully." He said and crossed his arms.

"Maybe we should just say 'please." Jorel said, defeated.

"I'm not begging that for nothing." George said while glaring at it and pointing accusingly at it.

There was few seconds of silence before Jorel finally spoke up, "open the doors, please."

George looked at him. "Please." He mocked. "Pathetic." Jorel frowned.

"Please remain calm." She said. That was enough for Jorel.

"Oh. My. God!" Jorel shouted and climbed George's back, catching him off guard and almost falling over. "You wait until I get up there!" George was slightly hunched over while Jorel was almost on his shoulders. He was confused and concerned now.

Jorel breathed heavily. "Just wait for it to speak!" Silence, except for his heavily breathing.

"You have no selected a floor." The woman said.

"Up yours you cow!" Jorel screeched. "If you don't let us through these doors, I'm going to come to America! I'm going to find whatever desperate actress gave you a voice, and I'm going to the electric chair for ya!"

"Scotland, you bastard!" George shouted.

"Scotland!" Jorel yelled.

"Scotland!" George yelled.

"Scotland!" Jorel yelled, drawing out the word.

"Freedom!" They both yelled loudly.

The lift doors slowly opened to reveal the rest of the guys while they continued their endless shouting. They took noticed and George dropped the younger male. Jorel stood up and whistled.

"Going up?" George asked.

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