Family™: 🎄Christmas🎄

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I should do a normal one shot soon
🎄If you thought Christmas mornings were gonna be different you fucking thought w r o n g

🎄Danny and Jordan are the first ones up. George follows a few minutes later

🎄Dylan gives Jordan trouble for a few minutes but finally gets up

🎄For the next hour he keeps mumbling that no holiday or event is worth getting up early for

🎄"Shut up Dylan, it's Christmas."
"Then give me my present; let me go back fucking bed."
"Sorry mom.."

🎄Danny is the only one overly joyed about today. He made everyone something and wants them all to have their presents asap.

🎄Jordan decides to distract him buy having him help make cookies.

🎄George is tasked with getting his last two sons up.

🎄Oh joy.

🎄Matt and Jorel proceed to make a statement by hiding in their room.

🎄 Christmas isn't metal enough for them

🎄"If Dylan can get his ass up them so can you."
"Ugh. Teenage emos." *walks away*

🎄George isn't having none of their shit so he sends in the calvary

🎄Danny but of course, who else?

🎄"Guys, can you get up please?"

🎄They don't budge but they are awake.

🎄Danny starts to talk in an excited voice about what the plan is for today.

🎄It now comes down who will break first for their little brother.

🎄But they can't crack now, it's only 9am.

🎄"I can't wait to go to Denver! It's been snowing for weeks! We can make snowmen!"
"We get to make cookies all day!"
"Guys please... I want you guys to see what I made you..."

🎄Jorel and Matt both crack and sit up.

🎄Danny stops pouting and beams.

🎄The emos get put of bed and Matt stomps down the stairs while Jorel carries Danny on his back

🎄"Better get that look off your face Matt before Mom sees."
"Shut up. It's cold. Why the fuck is it cold? It's California. Ugh and why couldn't we do this after 5. Christmas is all day."
"If I'm up, then you have to be, short shit."
"Fuck off! I'm 3 inches smaller than you!"

🎄Ah, there it is, the first fight of the day.

🎄Haha, sike, George ain't having it today.


🎄"Fine." "Whatever" "He started it."

🎄Danny gets off Jorel's back and wanders into the kitchen

🎄Jorel smacks both of them on the back of the head

🎄"This is Danny's favorite holiday besides Valentine's Day. We're going to behave and not fight for him. If you two start shit so help me- I may be short but I'll fuck you both up!"

🎄An hour passes and they're opening presents

🎄Besides the initial tshirt, video game, or something that plays into their interests, they all got something meaningful from Danny

🎄Jordan (finally) got a nice picture of Dylan, Matt and Jorel without them fighting it messing it up, courtesy of Danny. Who just had to start tearing up to get them to stop.

🎄George got a sweater that had "Number 1 Dad" on it.

🎄He is number one dad. He takes pride in that

🎄Jorel was of the easiest people to get something for. Danny got him the art book he was checking out two weeks back. Don't ask how he got it.
It was $140.
And Danny is like 15. With no car in Hollywood.
That's literally dangerous wtf.

🎄He got Dylan a blanket.
Yes a blanket.
A blanket with a fucking psychedelic lion on it, that's fuzzy and big.
And Dylan was fucking happy because he loves blankets.

🎄Finally Matt. Matt was difficult for Danny.

🎄Of course Danny was close with him, he was close with all his brothers. But Matt, he's closed off most of the time. He seems sad a lot too.

🎄Danny figured out that he needs to make something for his older brother, not buy it.

🎄So, Danny stayed up all night during the first weekend of their winter break making something for his brother.

🎄And what is it you ask?

🎄A binder, more like a scrapbook, (it's not a surprise that Danny scrapbooks let's be real here, he's the gayest brother) with pictures of him with everyone else. Some were even taken in secret of Matt being himself and happy. At the end of it, it had "I love you Matty -Danny"

🎄Matt started crying. Full on ugly crying that you do during disney movies and tragedy movies.

🎄He hugged Danny wondering if angels were real.

🎄Jordan took a picture of the two.

I'll end it right there and let you sit there and cry for a bit.
I might do another part because its winter break for me.
I am wondering if I should do a full on ship shot next, or maybe a brotp one between the brothers in Family™
I could also do a one shot on how George and Momma Jordan got together.

I dunno.
Merry Christmas Space Bois👽❄👽❄

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