Family™ (Headcannons?)

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I thought about this before I started writing the halloween one.

👽George possible veteran

👽Jordan was so a singer in his youth

👽Matt's crush is Austin (*whispers* Carlile)

👽Danny loves to dance


👽Jorel really likes space for some reason

👽Matt can sing™ (a classic in this book👌)

👽They boys have a group chat

👽They are all close

👽Memes are all that is sent in the group chat

👽Jordan is a small, thicc, petite sassy wife who will body a bitch if they fuck with his family or his husband

👽George is a giant fucking softy who loves Disney

👽George doesn't understand Harry Potter

👽Jorel is Ravenclaw

👽Dylan has big Slytherin and Hufflepuff vibes- Slytherpuff

👽Danny is a Gryffindor. @ me

👽Matt fits in everything

👽Matt doesn't get the House hype thing

👽Austin is also his best friend

👽Jordan will literally not shut up about Matt's crush

👽Matt feeds chicken to Daisy to fuck with Jorel

👽Matt makes up false vegan facts to fuck with Jorel

👽Matt fucks with him a lot.

👽Danny isn't a picky eater, but he doesn't like certain foods with other foods.


👽"Mushrooms taste better one pizza."

👽"Ew, my mac is touching my bbq chicken. The flavors are ruined."

👽"Any juice tastes weird with French toast. Chocolate milk only."

👽Danny is a nerd, confirmed.


👽Jorel and Matt are starting to hate high school band

👽They both talk shit about everyone to each other

👽"Dude, Sam thinks he's so much better than everyone else." "Yeah, fuck that asshole."

👽They don't show up for practice at all but are still ranked highest in the class??

👽Dylan raps.

👽George is proud of his musical bois

👽Danny is the smallest

👽Matt seems like the tallest because of how lanky he is, Dylan is the tallest

👽Danny = Donnie
Dylan = Mikey
Jorel =Raph
Matt = Leo

👽TMNT for life

👽Jordan is now a music producer

👽George is in construction because he likes destroying shit

👽George so has a hobby of making minatures

👽"Stay out of the garage." "But dad-" "stay out of the garage! You have the basement. I have the garage. Deal?" "Deal."

👽There is like legos, fucking everywhere in the basement. Wtf

👽Jordan knows Matt can sing

👽Matt only sings to Danny when he's sick or asleep

👽Jorel is an esteemed art boi

👽Matt is an art boi too, only he focuses more on sfx

👽Jordan will open a restaurant soon because he's a good chef and George wants him to share it with the world

👽Honestly, 😤👌

👽I'm hungry while writing this...

👽I'm getting Wendy's when my mom comes home

Later, space bois 👽🌌

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