Where Is Color When There Is No Love

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This is based of the picture above. That's a nice picture. No part 2.

Pairing: Derillo

February 14, 5 Years Later; The Anniversary 

The news has been filled with nothing but stories of him ever since that night. It's the fifth anniversary of what he did, what he did to her and her lover. The man she cheated on him with. He lashed out but it wasn't his fault, it was hers. He was so in love. He boasted to his friends about what he had planned, we he had planned for weeks. His proposal. He came home that night ready to devote himself to the one he loved only to find out that she was a cheater. She has been for months. No one knew what came over him. After that night, he fled into the darkness, his mask with him. He no longer saw color, only the color of red. Everything else was black and white.

This broke everyone especially Danny. He walked into Jorel's apartment that night. He found the bodies, their blood painting everything in the bedroom. He looked over to the window, tears down his face. He saw the trail of blood from the windowsill to the floor and that is when he too lost color to the world. He didn't see any color at all though, not even red. He should when he realized what went down but he was too heartbroken. So hurt to the fact that he didn't lose his love to a woman forever, he lost him completely. It was worse than losing him to the opposite, at least he could still see him then. He could never see him again. He was wanted. Not only that, he scared Danny. That didn't stop him from loving Jorel however. It was sick to most but he was happy that Jorel's ex was now dead.

Lately, Danny has felt the sense of being watched, especially at night when he's walking towards his porch, or when he's walking towards his car after a day at the studio, or, wherever he was at that moment in time. It made him have this sense of security, he couldn't describe it. He didn't dare tell any of the guys either. They might think he was crazy. They knew how badly he took this, considering how he felt towards him, and they were working hard to get him to get over it, this would probably make them fear that what they did, didn't actually work. He troubled them enough, at least that was what he thought. 

Once again, Danny flanked on going out and getting laid. Another Valentines wasted. He couldn't bring himself to even try to drink the night away and wake up when the sun rises the morrow, naked, next to a strange person. He couldn't celebrate any holiday the same again.

He walked to his car, getting his key ready as he unlocked the car. As he opened the door, Dylan called out to him, attaining his attention. Danny looked over, between the door and his seat.

"Hey Danny Boy, you sure you don't want to come out with us?" Dylan asked, Matt stopping next to him.

"I'm fine, honestly. I just want to go home, I'm tired. Goodnight guys." Danny replied, getting into his car, the door shutting after him. Dylan shared a look with Matt then they continued on their way. Danny gripped the steering wheel as he felt off. It wasn't the normal safe feeling this time. It felt somewhat sinister. He shook it off and drove home. Once inside, he fed his dog, Killer, then went upstairs to get clothes before showering. While showering, his dog kept barking and growling.

"Killer, shut up! It's just a raccoon!" He yelled through the loud sound the water was putting off. Like Killer could understand him completely, he stopped barking. 

Danny dried himself off and got dressed. He walked towards his room but stopped, heart rate speeding up, when he heard a thump. He slowly looked behind him and saw a hooded figure at the bottom of the stairs. He let out a yell which cause the figure to look up, straight at Danny. He didn't think twice. A collection of loud footsteps echoed throughout the house. Danny ran into his room, spinning around and slamming the door shut. It was however, forced back open by the unknown assailant. This caused a scream to escape his mouth. The individual shoved Danny, making him hit the wall forcefully, blacking out.

Danny groaned and blinked his eyes slowly. The room was blurry and in doubles. When his vision cleared up, he looked around. He was on his bed. He jerked up when he saw the black and white figure sitting on a chair at the foot of his bed. He tried running but his feet wouldn't move. His wrists and ankles felt restrained. He finally noticed the layered up duck tape around them both. He looked up at the stranger.

"Wh-What do you want?" He stuttered. The figure tilted his head slightly, it was at this time Danny noticed the mask but he couldn't make out the features. The figure stood up slowly.

"Who are you?" He whispered. The strangers hand slowly lifted up the mask. As he did, he said, "you should know Danny, after all," the mask was fully off, dropping beside him onto the chair. "I'm your best friend." Danny's eyes widened.

"J-Jorel?" He whispered again. Jorel smirked and started walking next to him, his fingers lightly drug across Danny's left leg. It sent chills up his whole entire body. His eyes were filled with so much emotion, Jorel couldn't decipher what he was actually feeling.

"Do you know how much it pained me to stay away from you since that night? Since I killed her, everything became so clear, but I couldn't do anything so I lashed out." As he talked, he got closer and closer to Danny. He gently placed one hand on his cheek, his thumb rubbing it. Danny tried moving away but it only caused Jorel to grab his face and force his attention back on him.

"I killed all of those couples because it reminded me of something I could never have..." 

"Happiness? Freedom?" Danny asked, staring into Jorel's eyes. He shook his head slowly and slowly got on top of the slightly taller male. He cut the tape of with his knife. Tossing both to the floor, he grabbed Danny's wrists gently and pinned him down.

"Love," He started, kissing him down from his neck to his chest. He looked up at Danny and got close to his face. Jorel glance down at his lips then back into his eyes. "You." He kissed Danny slowly and although he tried to fight it, Danny kissed back. When they parted, the world changed for them both. Jorel saw more than just red. Danny saw all of the color in his room. The dim light from his lamp lit up both of the boys faces.

"I missed you so much J..." He breathed, tears rolling down his cheeks. Jorel wiped them away and whispered before kissing him again, "I know baby, I missed you too."

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