Family™ ⛪That One Time At Church⛪

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What kind of mind fuck am I playing? Jordan is a dad too.. why do I keep calling him mom...
okay listen, admittedly, Jordan was no fan of church at all

⛪But Samantha brought this fuckery upon herself

⛪"My soul is too dark for the house of God! I'll burn as soon as I enter!"

⛪ *Jordan continues to try to tame his curls, having none if his shit*

⛪ "So will your father."

⛪ Danny is excited as always

⛪ He's never been in a church

Jorel wants to riot

⛪ Dylan tries to use the fact that he's a legal adult to get out of this, but the look George gave him scared him

⛪ "Do I have to wear a tie? I'm already wearing this lawyer shirt, isnt it enough? I look like a fucking dork."

⛪ "Stop bitching and go make sure Jorel isn't trying to escape"

⛪ Jorel would rather drink bleach right now

⛪ Church is where the girl he hates, who likes him... like... L I K E S him is at. He wants to die

⛪ Matt finally obliges, but silently decides he will conform the youth.

⛪ Emo Jesus™

⛪ Danny was up for it until he heard that he can't talk for most of the time being there and they have to read a book

⛪ Danny suddenly wants to hide

⛪ "You're letting her get to you... again..."
"I AM NOT" *accidentally pulls Matt's curls with the brush*

⛪ Mom panic mode

⛪ Spends too much time apologizing to his son and hugging him

⛪ "Why are we doing this again?"
"Ask your mother..."
"He won't fucking finish telling his why! He starts then starts grumbling about Samantha!"
"He's overreacting again."

⛪ Matt comes down while rubbing his head

⛪ "Did he even brush them?"
"You can't tame these babies. They're wild and free."
"O k a y"

⛪ They finally make it there, the kids not knowing why still

⛪ Let the chaos ensue

⛪ Matt immediately snuck off as soon as Samantha came over

Jorel hid behind his older brother once he saw Claire

⛪ "Leave me alone I'm gay!"

⛪ Dylan spot a hot guy

⛪ They snuck of and fucked

⛪ Danny wandered around and was all in all, the only one being a delight

⛪ "Oh look who showed up. So you do have class. And here I thought you were still living like you were 20."
"Fuck you, I have 13 records on my wall and 10 albums."
"Babe, don't let her get to you- fuck where did the boys go?"

⛪ Danny was just hit on by the pastor

⛪ Danny now hates church.

⛪ The kids take a shining to him and drag him off to the art room

⛪ Matt stay around the other kids and starts messing with them

"Santa is secretly Satan"
"If you kiss a girl, your parents will die"
"The Easter Bunny ate Jesus"

One kid cried, his work was done

⛪ Later..

⛪ Jordan finds Matt
"Fuck, I dunno."


⛪ George stumbles around

⛪ "His BoOk MAyBe nUTty, bUt hE fUcKIng TaSteS gOOd!" *colapse*

⛪ Jordan feels himself shrinking

⛪ "oh fuck..."

⛪ "You fucking disgrace! Don't go near my son again!"

⛪ Dylan laughs as he runs behind Jordan

⛪ "What did you-"


Jorel runs and jumps into his older brothers arms


⛪ *Claire screams* "HOW DARE YOU KISS MY BROTHER!"


⛪ I don't even know what to call Claire's... crying...

⛪ Jordan is slowly losing it

⛪Samantha is laughing her ass off

⛪ Claire still believes Jorel likes her..

⛪She's quickly going to piss you off

⛪ Danny walks out with glitter and stickers all over him and a sucker in his mouth

⛪ "What did I miss?"

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