That's How It Works Right?

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Inspiration brought to you by: gif above

Music brought to you by: it fits

Also, I haven't the slightest as to why I did it, but Jamie is just the name I am sticking with when it comes to Matt's girlfriend/ex.

 Pairing: Dylan and Matt: Mylan/Datty

6/11/2018 A/N: I changed the song, and yes, hopefully I will update soon. I'm lazy guys..

2008, The Touring For Swan Songs

It, as cheesy as it was to Dylan, was love at first sight. The realization hit him square in the face on that warm day in Miami, Florida. Dylan had this confusing feeling in him since he the starting of the band. He just thought it was because Matt and him were very close, best friends. A friend crush if you will. He would get excited when he saw him or happy when he heard his name. He always wanted to be next to him and do almost everything with him. He missed him when he had to leave or he couldn't be with the guys some days. This was normal wasn't it? This is was best friends do right? That's how it works right? The guys, mainly George, being the 'dad' of the group, had the sneaking suspicion that Dylan was feeling so much more than a little friend crush but he never brought it up. Instead, he watched, both Dylan and Matt, for the two years, seeing how they acted. It was evident that there was more there than a strong friendship. He never brought it to anyone's attention however.

As for the realization, that happened 30 minutes ago. Dylan is currently sitting down on the tan carpet of the hotel room, his back pressed against the door, panting with a million thoughts running through his mind.

An hour and 30 Minutes Ago

The boys, Danny included, were gathered at the beach, which was behind the hotel, relaxing as they just got to Miami. It was business as usual. Jordan drinking and flirting with George who was shaking his head at every comment, calling him a dunk idiot, Danny talking with Jorel, Aron off who knows where and Matt already in the ocean. Where was their homie you ask? He was on his way after a beer run and changing.

When Dylan made it, he was met with the sight of Jordan, latched onto George, saying perverted things. Instead of helping the older male, he laughed at his expense and set the beer down. Danny being always happy to see one of his friends, hugged Dylan. He hugged the older male back and let go.

"Your best friend is in the water." Jorel informed as Danny took a seat next to him again. "Aron is absent as usual."

"Eh, homie is probably out looking for honeys." Dylan said, sitting down and feeling relief from having to walk for an hour. Danny started making random things in the sand and Dylan joined in. 

An hour passed and Matt finally got out.

"Look at the way Matt gets out of the water. He looks like he's in a gay ass Axe spray commercial." Jordan commented as he watched his friend. George and Jorel started cracking up, Danny giggling a little, and Dylan looked up. This is when the realization hit him and those feelings became clear. He though Matt looked sexy as the water droplets rolled down his bare chest. His wet hair, slicked back, only added. It was enough to make Dylan's mouth drop open slightly and his cheeks to flare up. He stared in awe as he came closer.

Matt smirked and winked at Dylan as he came closer to the group. Dylan bit his lip. He pulled Dylan up and kissed him passionately. It made this feeling rush throughout his whole body. Dylan loved it.

"Put a shirt on super model." Jordan joked as he threw a towel at Matt, causing him to laugh. This pulled Dylan from his daydream. He heard a soft giggle from next to him and looked over. Danny was covering his mouth slightly, looking at him knowingly. Dylan gave him a look to which he nodded and patted his back lightly. Jorel raised an eyebrow at the silent conversation but went back to ignoring it and focusing on the others.

"Wow, I'm glad you think I'm hot enough to be a model Jordan. Whose the gay one now?" He asked, his raspy voice making him sound adorable. Jordan laughed and flipped him off. Matt dried his hair. It made everyone laugh when his curls sprung to life after they were dry.

"Fucking hell. You little shits." He mumbled as he took hold of one. He let it go and it smacked him in the face making them laugh harder, them minus one however. Dylan was back to admiring and getting lost in thought. He shook his head and stood up quickly, walking away, towards the hotel.

"Hey! Dyl! Where you going?" Jorel called after him.

"I gotta call my mom... Later." He lied though it was barely audible as he kept walking. When he got inside however, that's when he ran towards the stairs. He made it up to his floor, it being the third, and ran to his room. He opened the door and slammed it shut. He pressed his back against the door and slid down it.

Present Time

That's how he ended up here, that's also where you came in dear reader.

Dylan pressed his hands against his face then drug them down. He realized that it wasn't friend love he was feeling since they met, it was actual love. The late calls, the countless movie nights, the times Matt came over, sometimes soaked from rainy nights, face wet from the tears, or from both tears and rain, because of his girlfriend, Jamie, who has broken his heart a different way or the same way again, wanting to cuddle him and be loved by someone who cared. The countless times they went to the park or fair or wherever then getting food after. Hugging each other after anything exciting happens. It was love. Him being sometimes woken up by Matt in the mornings and going out or staying home and having breakfast. The times Matt would stay the night, sleeping in the same bed, cuddled up letting Dylan play with his curls. In the morning he would wake up and still be in the same position. He was in love. This is how people who are in love show it to their desire of affection. That's how it works right? Dylan was sure of what he was feeling. He was sure that the way he felt, it wasn't towards anyone else either. He was never like this towards anyone. He realized just how obvious the way he acted was. Danny made that clear. 

Dylan was sure of his feelings now but was still unsure of how to deal with this. He decided to handle this problem how he saw others do it on TV; he lied on his stomach, arms under the pillow with his face buried into it, like a teenage girl in a chick flick. He stayed like this for an hour before falling asleep.

He groaned and mumbled something inaudible as he was gently shook. He shifted, his face now towards the one responsible, staying asleep. They shook him again and he shoved his face into the pillow. It took a minute but he finally woke up. He lifted his head up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. He blinked a few times, letting his eyes adjust. His heart nearly leap out of his chest when he saw who was in front of him. Matt. He sat up and swung his legs out to the side.

"Matt! What're you doing in here?" Matt raised an eyebrow, confused at the question. Dylan quickly realized that was a stupid question after he remembered they're sharing a room. He blushed and looked down, also realizing that Matt was shirtless. "N-Never mind." he cursed his mouth for stuttering.

"Sorry, I just wanted to let you know the guys and I were going to go out to eat. You can go back to sleep, I can bring back food for you." Matt explained, taking a seat on the other bed that was next to Dylan's. Dylan shook his head and stood up.

"I'll come." He mumbled and looked around for his shoes, not bothering to give Matt a slight glance. He found them and put them on. He put his hat and sunglasses on, all why not looking at the older male. He couldn't trust his body. He knew he would kiss him right then and there. His plan was thrown away when Matt made him look at him. Dylan looked down at the smaller male, blushing which he hoped Matt didn't notice. He did.

"Dylan... Be honest with me, do you like me?" The older male asked. Dylan got that feeling again. He stared in the curly haired man's eyes for the longest time. He swear he saw something in them; hope. Hope for what was the real question. He sighed and took the chance.

"No," He started. Matt frowned for a second but went back to making a straight face. He had hoped Dylan didn't see it but he did. Matt was about to walk away when Dylan pulled him close. It was Matt's turn to blush now. "It isn't 'like,' it's love." Matt smiled slightly and made a bold move in his opinion. He pulled Dylan down and kissed him. It lasted a few seconds but it was great. When they parted, Dylan bit his lip then smiled (gif).

"So I take that as you love me too?" He asked the obvious. Matt laughed slightly.

"That's how it works right?"

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