Family™ 💝Finally Going Out💝

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I still dont got anyone for Dylan...
This turned into Gay Ship Boyfriend Scenarios and I'm here for it..
Because I wrote it....
💛Danny & Oliver💛

Danny and Oliver were resided on their bus heading towards school, with Danny's brothers sprinkled around in other areas of the bus. It was unusually cold this morning in California. The windows were painted with condensation while the heat blasted throughout the bus. Everyone was quiet or talking lowly. It was too early for them to be their rowdy selves.

Danny was in his own thoughts, completely blocking out Oliver ranting about something. He was staring at the water intensely, thinking about none other than the male beside him. He didn't understand why his brothers didn't want him to date, Matt was only 15 months older than him and they weren't on his case. Oliver took notice of his crushes sudden quietness. Sure Danny was polite and never interrupted, but he at least would hum in response to somethings or nod. He wasn't doing that. Oliver looked at him and saw he was basically glaring at the fog on the windows.

"It's not going to disappear if you keep staring at it, Love." Danny jumped slightly and looked at him. He blushed and looked back.

"Sorry Oli, I'm listening again." Danny didn't look back; Oliver thought nothing of it and just continued on, but glanced at him every so often. A few minutes passed and Danny made a decision. He pressed his finger on the window gently and drew a shape.

"Hey Oli?" Oliver hummed and looked over, blushing once he saw the heart with 'D+O' in the middle of it. Danny looked at him with a cute smile. He smiled at him and reached over, drawing a tinier heart next to his.

"You are saying you like me, right?" Oliver asked, though he felt stupid doing so. Danny blinked.

"No Oliver, I just draw hearts with my initial and theirs for fun." He sassed.

"I love it when you're sassy."

They're so dead when the others find out...

🖤Matt & Austin🖤

Matt may of been shy and quiet sometimes, but he was no punk bitch. He knew Austin liked him and vise versa, so why didn't either of them make a move? That's what Matt was currently asking himself while he was sitting in front of the creek behind his house. He was watching a group of salamanders move about while he thought about his best friend. He was tired of dancing. He wanted to be dipped and kissed already, figuratively and literally.

One of the salamanders came up to him cautiously but curiously. Matt looked down at it and set his hand down carefully. The amphibian scuttled towards it and climbed onto his hand. Matt brought his hand up and watched the creature. All while this happened, he was unaware of the dressed in black figure coming up behind him. Matt stroked the slimy creatures back gently, completley fascinated by the fact that this was happening to him.

Austin placed a hand on the teen's shoulder.

"Hey Matt-" Matt cut him off with a scream startling both his crush and his new friend. Austin recoiled his hand and looked at him weirdly. The salamander just gave them both a blank look.

"You didn't hear me come? I called your name like three times!" Austin exclaimed.

"No." Matt said quietly. Austin stared blankly before sitting down next to him.

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