"He's my boyfriend."

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Okay, honestly, I had fun making the past two one shots and this is a third part. Ugh. It's just so cute.

2011, The Making of American Tragedy 

Three years passed and Matt's crush only amplified, as did Danny's. There was a problem however, Matt was still with Jamie, his girlfriend. He, albeit wrongly, was still with her due to the fact that his crush on Danny would never happen. At least that is how he saw it. After the night Danny was first introduced, he was all that Matt could think about. He didn't know why he felt this way, thinking that he might actually be gay for Danny, but then dismissing the ideas of them being together and going back to focusing on his girlfriend. It confused him so much. He started thinking more and more about it throughout the years. He began to realize that he didn't love Jamie anymore. More and more girls became unappealing to him as well. He didn't know what it was until he looked at his new and official band mate and it all became clear on one fateful night.

It became clear on New Years. It was a party and everyone was getting drunk, what else was new? Matt was resided next to Danny, his girlfriend on his left. Danny was being his normal, very affectionate drunken self and was telling Matt how much he loved him and what a great friend he was. It made Matt laughed ever now and then, his smile never leaving, completely ignoring his girlfriend. She would be understandably pissed at this if it wasn't for her hanging onto him since they got there. If he got up, so did she. He left, so did she. She was his shadow. So him wanting to talk to one of his friends for once tonight, was it that much of a bad thing? She had planned to tear his attention away when the countdown came, but she would find out that wouldn't happen. When everyone, drunk or not, shouted Happy New Year, Danny latched onto Matt and planted on on him. Matt, also being slightly drunk, kissed back. Jamie was upset but it went unnoticed. Neither of them remembered that moment the next day so his girlfriend being pissed at him the next morning, when he got home from Danny's, shocked him. In the end, Matt broke up with her and ended right back where he was before those events, Daniels.

It was then, from there on that Matt decided to be a hell of a lot more obvious about his crush and his sexuality. Obvious to everyone that wasn't named Daniel Murillo.

Matt sighed as he slumped down onto the couch. His attempts to show his crush how he felt went unnoticed yet again. Dylan sat down next to him and patted his leg. "You tried Matty, failed, but tried." He said as he drank his coffee. Matt sighed and covered his face, frustrated.

"He's probably not even into me! I'm just making a fool out of myself Dylan." He snapped. Dylan thought about something for a minute then got up.

"Come on buddy, it's our turn to help." He piped up as he pulled his depressed friend up. Matt asked what he meant but Dylan didn't say a word, just pulled him out of the studio while calling Jorel.

"George, what are we doing here? Is Matty sick?" Danny asked, instantly worried. His chuckled and mumbled low enough for no one to hear, at least he thought he did, "Yeah he's sick, love sick." Danny felt jealous. He had the biggest crush on Matt. And just like Matt, his crush was obvious to everyone but Matt. Unlike the curly haired drummer, Danny made no advances. Instead, he turned to avoiding his attempts to hand out, which unknowingly to Danny, was Matt's ways of trying to ask him out and confess.

George stopped in front of the year younger, screamers apartment door and looked at the smaller of the two. "Here's what's going to happen, you're going in there and neither of you two are leaving until everything has been said. Okay? Okay. Bye Danny Boy." With that, he opened the door, shoved the Costa Rican in, shut the door and left. 

Matt walked out from his room at that exact moment, visibly confused. He blushed when he realized his crush was standing in his kitchen. Danny waved, blushing a little. "What are you doing here? Not that I don't mind." Danny shrugged in response to what he asked. He looked back at the door then at the skinnier of the two.

"George pushed me in here and told me no one was allowed to leave until everything had been said. He also said you were love sick? Are you okay? Is it Jamie?" His ignorance to everything Matt was feeling made him frustratingly adorable. This is what Dylan meant... I hate and love the guys right now.

Matt motioned for Danny to follow and went to sit down on the couch. Danny obeyed, taking a seat next to him. After he ran a hand through his hair in a stressful manner, Matt said, "oh I'm just going to say it, I'm fucking in love with you. Absolutely in love. I have been since we met but I didn't realize it completely until the day I broke up with Jamie. She said we kissed and it took me hours but I remembered that night and everything I felt. I've been trying to hang out so I could say all of this but you kept saying you were busy and I-"

Matt was cut off by a pair of soft lips against his. He brought his hands up to Danny's cheeks and pulled him closer, kissing back. They pulled away, needing air and looking into each others eyes.

"I'm sorry Matt. I was distancing myself because I thought you just wanted to be friends and I couldn't hide my feelings anymore." Danny explained, looking down. Matt lifted his head up by his chin and looked into his eyes, trying not to get lost in them right now. 

"I wish you would of said something... Do you know how stressful it was to ask you to hang out and get shut down? Repeatedly?" Danny giggled at Matt's response.

"Sorry Matty." He giggled. Matt sighed with a smile and kissed his cheek.

"So... Be my boyfriend?" He asked after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Fuck yeah I will."

The Studio 

"Do you think everything's alright? What if it wasn't mutual and we just ruined their friendship?" Dylan asked, looking at the other's as they chilled in the studio. Before anyone could reply, their phones all went off. Jorel was the first to respond.

"Well... This might answer those questions." He turned his phone around and the video replayed.

"This is officially our new singer for Hollywood Undead. His name is Danny and he's my boyfriend."

"Yeah, I'd say that answers my questions." Dylan said, making everyone laugh.

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