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| chapter one - detention |

"Emilia get your ass down here now!"

I groaned and rolled over, I looked at the clock, it was eight o'clock and I had to catch the Hogwarts Express at eleven.

I sighed as I got out of bed and walked downstairs to where my father was sitting behind the desk in his dull office.

"Good morning Father," I said as I entered the room, my tone flat.

My father looked up at me with a stony expression, like always he said, "So you're returning to that sorry excuse for a school today."

I sighed, my father didn't approve of sending me to Hogwarts as he deemed it as unacceptable and he viewed the Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore as a, 'pathetic old fool'. He only agreed to send me there as my mother stated that it was cheaper than sending me to Beauxbatons in France.

My family wasn't poor, in fact we were extremely rich, with enough money to support several generations, they sent me to Hogwarts so that less of their wealth was wasted on me.

My parents didn't care about me, they were hoping for a boy to carry on the family name, but they got me instead, and then my father was in an accident at work and he sustained injuries that prevented him from being able to have children.

"Yes I am Father," I said, trying to keep the tone from my voice.

My father nodded, "Very good."

I smirked, him and mother were always happy to see me go, I felt the same.

My father stood up and grabbed a sealed envelope from the shelf on the wall, "Your mother wasn't able to be here to say goodbye this morning, however she was kind enough to waste her time writing you a letter."

I thanked my father as I took the letter from him, "I must go and get ready now Father."

I returned to my room and sat down, I opened the letter,


I am regrettably unable to be there this morning to see you off.

See you at Christmas,

Your Mother.

I laughed, my mother was such a tender soul.

I quickly got ready and hauled my trunk down to the grand entry way.

I quickly ran to the kitchen and grabbed an apple and protein bar before quickly running back to meet my father.

My father didn't help me take my trunk to the car, not that I cared though.


The drive to King's Cross was silent, and my father didn't speak until I got out of the car, "See you at Christmas. Oh, and remember to behave yourself Emilia, I don't want to be receiving any letters reporting bad behaviour."

I hauled my trunk from the car, "Yes Father."

I walked into the station and quickly entered through the barrier to Platform Nine and Three Quarters.

The train was just arriving, I quickly moved to the edge of the platform so that I could be one of the first people on board, I put my luggage in the baggage compartment then went to find a section to sit in.


I looked up as my two best friends entered my compartment, I stood up and hugged them.

My best friends were like my sisters, and were the only reasons I got through the holidays.

Melanie was in Ravenclaw with me, and Katherine was in Slytherin.

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