02 | two

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| chapter two - reciprocation |


Severus was standing there slack-jawed, I felt my heart stop, what had I just done?

I felt the sting of rejection and the tears that were threatening to spill, "I'm so sorry," I whispered before I took off running.

I heard Severus calling out after me but I didn't stop, I kept running until I was back in my dormitory.

I collapsed onto my bed and started sobbing into my pillow, all the other girls were asleep so I had to be quiet.

I felt someone sit down beside me, I looked up to see Melanie looking down at me with worry plastered all over her face, "Em what happened?"

I sat up and moved over so that my head was resting on her shoulder, she wrapped her arms around me and I started sobbing harder.

"I shouldn't of done that, I should of known that he wouldn't want me!" I cried.

Melanie rubbed my back, "Who are you talking about Em? And what happened?"

I sighed, "I kissed him Mel and he pulled away."

Melanie sighed, "Aw darling, who did this to you?"

I pulled away and wiped my face, "Severus."

"What?!" Melanie asked, flabbergasted.

I looked down at my hands folded in my lap, "I've had a crush on Severus since the end of last year and tonight we seemed to be really close and we were on a first name basis and he kept grabbing my hand when he wanted to tell me something. He even gave my 10 points back because he let me tell him my side of the story and then when I hugged him he hugged me back. I ruined it all Mel!"

Melanie grabbed my hand, "Oh Em! I had no idea you liked him. Maybe you just shocked him, like teacher-student relationships are frowned upon and maybe he just didn't know how to respond? I'm sure he didn't mean to make it look like a rejection."

At that moment a tapping noise came from the window, Melanie went and opened it and came back holding an envelope, "It's addressed to you."

I tore the envelope open and read the letter,


How can I begin to tell you how sorry I am for the way I reacted back in the forest?

Can you please come down to the Potions classroom? I just want to talk to you, you aren't in any trouble.



"Oh my gosh Em, he put a little kiss!"

I shook my head, "It probably doesn't mean anything."

Melanie grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed, "You have to go see him, the poor man is probably tearing himself apart!"

I gave a small laugh, "Fine, I'll go."


I knocked on the door to the Potions classroom, Severus opened the door with a sad smile, "You've been crying."

I nodded, "Can I come in?"

Severus nodded and stepped aside, once I had entered I turned and said quickly, "I'm so sorry sir, I shouldn't have done that and I understand if you don't want to be around me anymore, or you don't -"

I was cut off by a pair of lips crashing into mine, once I grasped what was happening I began to kiss back. Severus' warm lips caressed mine and I felt as his tongue begged for entrance, I let him in and moaned in ecstasy."

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