20 | twenty

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| chapter twenty - it's a... |

Sweat gleamed along Severus's shoulder blades as he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to run the shower.

My own body was also coated in sweat after a passionate and wild round of sex. My pregnancy hormones had caused me to wake extremely horny and Severus had been all to keen to satisfy my needs.

A week had past since I graduated and we had packed most of our stuff and it now sat in boxes to be taken with us when we moved to our new home later today.

I got out of bed and joined Severus for a quick shower before we went downstairs and ate a quick breakfast before heading back to our bedroom to pack the rest of our belongings.


"Emilia why are you taking those photos? I told you that I wouldn't mind if you threw them away," Severus said as he noticed the stack of photos of him and Lily that once sat on our mantle was now in my hands.

I blushed madly, I had honestly thought that he would want to keep them as memories. I considered what to say before saying, "Oh um, I thought it would be nice to keep them. She was your best friend Sev, don't you want to keep them?"

Severus shook his head and came to take the pictures from me, he then tossed them into the garbage box we had at the end of our bed.

Severus came back over to me and rested his hands on my hips, "I haven't thought about Lily in a very long time, and I would prefer to just keep mental images as memories. I want photos of you and I, and eventually our children."

I nodded, "I'm sorry Sev, I didn't mean to push keeping them onto you."

Severus shook his head and then kissed my forehead, "No, don't apologise Em, it was a beautiful thought my princess."

I nodded and began to finish the packing, "What are you going to do with this place?" I asked him, referring to the house.

"I've already sold it," Severus said as he taped the last box shut and placed it with the others.

"That's excellent love," I said as I helped him magic the boxes downstairs.

We had been taking boxes to our new house via the Floo Network all week, but yesterday Severus had the connection disconnected and so we were driving home today. We loaded the remaining boxes into my car and I let Severus do one last sweep of the house before we got in the car and left Spinners End for good.

The drive was a couple of hours long and Severus was mainly quiet having never been in a car before. When he did talk he mainly spoke about how he couldn't wait to decorate the nursery for our baby.

When we finally arrived home we began to unpack. We had decided to do it the Muggle way because it made the move feel all the more real. We had decided to buy all new furniture with what I discovered was the money that Severus had gotten when he sold Spinners End.

We set up the bedroom and put all our clothes and other belongings away before moving on to the study and living room. When we finished we had dinner and then went to bed.


(A/N: I apologise for the time jump but I don't want to drag out the boring storyline of them moving house.)

Four weeks later Severus and I sat in the waiting room at St Mungo's for my checkup and to find out the gender of our baby.

Severus kept fidgeting with his wedding ring, he was twisting it nervously and so I rested my hand on his thigh, "Relax Sev," I murmured.

Severus nodded and let go of his ring and instead laced his hand in mine and tried to relax. He didn't have to wait long because Doctor Minz came out and called me in.

We entered the room and the doctor motioned for me to hop onto the bed as I had done in my previous check up.

Doctor Minz made light talk with Severus and I as she set up the ultrasound equipment.

"Now Emilia, this will be a bit cold okay?" She asked and she lifted my shirt and poured some gel onto my growing stomach.

The doctor found my baby with ease and reported that it was growing healthily. She then let us hear it's heartbeat and Severus squeezed my hand and I saw he had tears in his eyes.

I grinned, "That's our baby."

Doctor Minz smiled, "It sure is. Are you ready to find out the gender?"

I nodded and squeezed Severus's hand, he had gone still in anticipation.

Doctor Minz turned back to us, "Congratulations Emilia, you have a healthy baby girl growing inside of you."

I grinned, a girl.

We thanked the doctor before apparating home. When we got there, Severus picked me up and spun my around with ease considering I was halfway through my pregnancy now.

"We're having a girl!" Severus cheered happily with tears still in his eyes.

I beamed at him, "You'll have a little princess to rule your potions kingdom," I said happily.

Severus hugged me tightly, "Daddy's little princess," he said proudly.

I scoffed teasingly, "I thought I was your princess."

Severus kissed my nose, "Well now your my queen."

I chuckled, "I can live with that. Now can we go and buy stuff so we can set up the nursery?"

Severus nodded and lead me to the car. We drove for two hours to London and found a baby store. We headed up and bought many things all the colour pink before heading home.


We changed into comfy clothes when we got home and then began constructing our daughter's nursery.

Severus magically painted the walls so that they were a light grey and one had a white diamond shape pattern sprawling across it. I screwed the large white cot together and then fitted the mattress with a pink sheet before adding some white pillows.

We had bought a white armchair to sit by the window and I added a small pillow and a pink blanket over the back of it. In the corner sat a little basket of spare sheets and on the other wall was a white change table and a white set of drawers which we filled with endless amounts of baby clothes and nappies.

Severus then added a beautiful mobile that had white and pink butterflies hanging from it above the cot. The final touch was adding our daughter's initials to the door seeing as Severus and I had already had a name ready for if we were having a girl.

I flicked my wand and written in pink were the initials: A E S


A/N: I guess you'll have to wait to find out the name that goes with those initials. Comment below if you have any guesses as to what the name could possibly be.

Rest in Peace Avicii ❤️ So incredibly sad to hear about his passing, he was a massive part of my primary school years and was an incredible part of this generation's music 💫

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