03 | three

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| chapter three - cuddling |

I was sitting on the ground in Severus' quarters proof reading my Charms essay when he came storming through the door, he didn't even look at me as he went into his bedroom and slammed the door.

I shook my head, 'What a drama queen,' I thought to myself.

I quickly filled out the remainder of the question sheet we'd been working on in Transfiguration, and then I flopped on the couch and began to read the set reading we had for Astronomy.

I was on the second last page when Severus's bedroom door opened and he came out looking calmer.

"I'm so sorry Em, my storming in here and ignoring you was so uncalled for," he said, coming over to kiss me.

I shook my head, "It's okay love, you were pissed off."

Severus shrugged, "I shouldn't have acted like that."

I laughed, "Honestly? I thought it was kind of hot."

Severus looked at me and we both started laughing, "You're one of a kind my darling girl."

When I managed to stop laughing I asked, "So do I dare ask why you were in such a bad mood."

Severus sighed and flopped back onto a pillow at the other end of the couch, "Dumbledore called a last minute staff meeting and I have to go to it in 5 minutes."

I sighed, "Well that's crappy, but I understand my love."

I kicked off my boots and laid back on the couch, resting my legs on top of Severus' which were bent into an arch.

Severus and I layed in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes before he sat up, I did too and gave him a mischievous smirk, "You know we still have 1 minute."

Severus pulled me against him and began trailing kisses along my jawline, I moaned and decided that I didn't want to let him have all of the fun. I pushed him onto his back and began kissing his throat, he let out a low moan and said, "I wish I didn't have to leave."

I climbed off him and pulled him up, "How long will you be?"

He frowned and looked at the clock, "It's 5 o'clock now, so I'd say maybe half an hour."

I nodded, "Dinner's not until half past six, so I'll wait around."

Severus nodded and gave me a quick kiss before he went to his fireplace and flooed to Dumbledore's office.

I went to Severus's closet and pulled out one of his cloaks and wrapped it around me.

I went back to the living room and fell asleep on the couch.


"Emilia, wake up honey."

I groaned and opened my eyes and saw Severus crouched beside me, "Hi," I said, still half asleep.

Severus chuckled, scooped me up and then sat down with me in his arms.

"Did you just get back?" I asked, looking at the clock which read six o'clock.

Severus played with my hair, "Yes, the old man decided to hold an extra long meeting."

I sighed, "I'm going to have to go back to my common room, dinner is soon."

Severus held me tighter, "I hate when you leave."

I nodded against his chest, "Me too."

I sighed and wiggled out of his hold, I quickly packed up my stuff and turned to him, "I hope you don't mind but I went into you room and borrowed this," I said, handing him his cloak back.

Severus smiled, "I don't mind darling, feel free to wear my clothes whenever you want. Also, next time you want to take a nap, you can sleep in my bed if you want."

I wrapped my arms around his waist,"You're too good to me Sev."

He leaned down and kissed me, "Says you."

I gave him a kiss goodbye and headed back up to the Ravenclaw common room.


When I got to the Ravenclaw common room I headed back up to my dormitory and found my school robes set out on my bed with a note on top:


We figured that you would return just before dinner so we got your uniform ready for dinner.

Mel & Kat

I quickly changed into my school robes and walked down to the Great Hall.

I sat down beside Melanie who turned to me and smirked, "So?"

I rolled my eyes at her, "He had to go to a staff meeting and so I just did homework."

Melanie frowned, "Well I had hoped for something a little more exciting."

I gently slapped her armed, "Hush Mel."

We laughed and began to eat, I looked up as Severus entered and took a seat beside Professor McGonagall, I smiled at him and he gave me a quick smile back.


I turned around to locate the sound, it didn't take me long to find out who it was. Smirking at me from the Slytherin table was Zac and Cameron, "Hey sweetie, how are you after detention with Snape?"

I glared, "Piss off."

Zac laughed, "Aw don't be like that."

I made a rude hand gesture and then turned back to Melanie, my eyes trailed up to the staff table and found Severus watching me with worried eyes.

I frowned but nodded to let him know that I was okay, he gave me a small nod back and continued to eat his dinner.

I did the same and then left the hall with Melanie.


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