09 | nine

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| chapter nine - must be the mistletoe |

I adjusted my makeup in the mirror and then turned to Severus who was sprawled on my bed reading Me Before You, "You like those heartbreaking romance novels don't you?"

He didn't look up from the book, "Who doesn't love a good tragedy?" He replied.

I heard the doorbell sound, "That'll be Kat, she said she'd be over earlier to help cook."

I went downstairs and opened the front door, Kat stepped in and hugged me, "How have you been?"

I smiled, "So good, I love having Sev around all the time. What about you, anything new happen?"

She grinned like an idiot, "Logan and I had sex for the first time last night."

I squealed, "Oh my gosh really?!"

She nodded and laughed, "It was amazing."

We both laughed as Severus walked down the stairs, "Good morning Katherine," he smiled.

Kat smiled, "Hello Professor, how are you?"

Severus nodded, "I'm well thank you. I take it from Emilia's squealing you're doing well?"

I flushed and Kat laughed, "Yes I am, thank you Professor."

Severus came over, "Please call me Severus."

Kat nodded.

I waved my wand and Kat's bag floated up to the room where her and Logan would be staying.

We then went into the kitchen and started cooking, Severus sat on the sofa and read.

Kat and I chatted as we worked and Severus would occasionally chuckle at something we said.

As we cooked I remembered that I had to go and pick up Severus's Christmas present, I turned to Kat, "I just realised that I have to pop over to Hogsmeade and pick up Severus' Christmas present, will you be okay to stay here with him for like twenty minutes?" I asked.

Kat nodded, "He's my head of house and your boyfriend, I'll be fine."

I hugged her, "Thanks."

I went over and kissed Severus, "I won't be long, I just have to go and pick something up."

He nodded, "See you in a bit."

I grabbed my coat from the rack at the front door and apparated to Hogsmeade. I walked into the bookstore and went up to the counter, "Hi, I'm here to pick up an order for Winters."

The store person nodded and went out the back and came back with a sealed package, "Treat it with great care, there aren't many of these left in the world."

I nodded and thanked the woman, I held the package close to me and apparated home, when I got there I went straight upstairs and hid the package with the rest of the presents I'd  gotten for my friends.

I heard laughing coming from downstairs so I went down and found Logan and Noah trying to help in the kitchen.

I walked in laughing, "What on earth is going on here?"

Noah had icing sugar all through his hair and Logan's hands were stained green from food colouring.

Severus came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, "It turns out Noah and Logan aren't the best cooks."

Kat was in the corner laughing so hard that she had tears streaming down her face.

I turned around a kissed Severus, "Ew get a room!" Noah groaned.

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