06 | six

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| chapter six - oh to be rich |

I rolled out of bed and noticed Melanie staring at me, "You came back late last night," she said.

I smirked and decided to tease her, "I was down fucking Severus on his desk."

Melanie's eyes bulged, "Emilia Winters, are you actually serious?!"

I laughed, "No Mel, I was only kidding."

Melanie grabbed her pillow and threw it at me, "You had me excited for a second."

I tossed her pillow back at her, "Well we did progress a little further, we had a steamy kissing session in only our undergarments."

Melanie smirked, "I reckon he'll hardly be able to keep it in his pants tonight when he sees you in your dress."

I shook my head, "We have started saying 'I love you' to each other."

Melanie squealed, "That's so cute! Now hurry up, you have to go and meet him in thirty minutes."

I gasped, "Shit, that's hardly enough time! Oh well, I guess Sev will have to take me out to breakfast," I laughed as I went to the bathroom.

As I approached Dumbledore's office Severus took one look at me and his eyes bulged.

Seeing as I had to see my parents I had gone to quite an extent with my appearance. My hair was curled into waves and I had quite a lot of makeup on. I was wearing black leggings with a short black dress, I wore a leather jacket over the top and had a white and black scarf wrapped around my neck, I completed my look with black leather heeled boots.

Severus shook his head, "You look stunning Miss Winters."

I smirked, "Thank you Professor Snape."

Severus looked over my shoulder and quickly kissed me, "You can have a proper one soon."

I nodded and we headed up to Dumbledore's he smiled when we entered, "Well if it isn't my favourite couple."

I choked and Severus froze, "Excuse me Headmaster?" I asked once I recovered.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, "You don't honestly think that I haven't figured out what is going on between the two of you?"

Severus stepped forward to say something but Dumbledore cut him off, "Severus it is alright, Emilia is an adult and you haven't let it interfere with your professional life. Furthermore, you have my blessing, along with Minerva's."

I almost tripped, "Professor McGonagall knows too?"

Dumbledore laughed, "Yes she does, and she thinks it's absolutely adorable."

Severus bowed his head, "Thank you Albus."


Severus and I left Hogwarts and walked to Hogsmeade where he then grabbed onto my waist and disapparated.

When we landed I fell against Severus' chest, "Breathe," he murmured.

I took a deep breath and stood up, "Sorry."

Severus shook his head, "Don't apologise."

He took a key from his pocket and unlocked the door we were standing in front of, he turned to me, "It's very dreary inside."

I grabbed his hand and brushed my finger across his knuckles, "It's yours and therefore I already love it."

He pushed open the door and stepped to the side so I could enter, I stepped inside and looked around at the tiny living room that was covered with bookshelves on every side.

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