21 | twenty-one

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| chapter twenty-one - push |

December fifteenth came after months of pain, fatigue and moodiness. I was now huge and I had to do everything alone as Severus had returned to Hogwarts for a new year.

Melanie had given birth at the beginning of October to a beautiful little boy named William Lucas Roberts, and he looked just like her.

I was standing at the sink getting a glass of water when I felt it. My water broke.

I sent a patronus to Severus and he was at my side within two minutes, he lifted me up quite easily considering I'm fully pregnant and carried me to the fireplace. We flooed to St Mungo's and I was instantly transported into a private room and my clothes were transfigured into a hospital gown.

I squeezed Severus's hand tightly during every contraction and as I gave the final push. My daughter was placed in my arms and tears streamed down my face as I took in how beautiful she was.

She had a little tuft of black hair which was slicked down as she was still covered in my goo.

Severus crouched down and stroked her cheek with his finger, "My sweet little princess," he said softly.

I smiled and looked down at my baby girl, the nurse came in and took her away to be bathed and so Severus sat down on the side of my bed and took my hand.

"I know you're probably really tired, but I want to tell you something," Severus said as he brushed his thumb across my knuckles.

I nodded softly, "What is it my love?"

"I'm coming home for Christmas break and I won't be returning to Hogwarts until March," Severus told me.

I looked at my husband shocked, "Why?"

Severus chuckled and kissed my nose, "I thought that would be obvious Em. I'm taking leave so that I can be at home to help my beautiful wife look after our darling daughter."

I grinned at him, "Are you serious?"

Severus nodded and kissed me softly, "Yes I am. I love you so much and I don't want to miss my daughter's first months on earth."

Our conversation was interrupted when the nurse brought our daughter back in and placed her in Severus's arms before leaving us alone. I watched Severus nurse our daughter, he turned to me beaming, "She's perfect."

I nodded, "She is indeed."

Severus placed her back in my arms and helped me to adjust my hospital gown so that I could feed our daughter.

Severus watched as she latched onto my breast and when I winced he came and stroked my hair, "Does it hurt?"

"Babies don't know how to latch on properly and so it can a little painful at first, after a couple of weeks it won't hurt," I replied.

Severus nodded and continued to stroke my hair until I was finished. Severus then went over to my hospital bag and got out a little pink baby outfit and dressed our daughter in it before wrapping her in a pink blanket.

"Emilia, our friends have been waiting outside this whole time, would you like me to bring them in?" Severus asked once I finished readjusting my gown.

I nodded and took my daughter in my arms, Severus went over and opened the door, "You can come in now guys," Severus said.

A newly pregnant Kat came in hand in hand with Logan, and Melanie came in with Noah behind her carrying William in his arms.

Andy and Ryan would be coming shortly as they had just arrived home from the airport as they had travelled to Australia the muggle way.

Kat came over and hugged me followed by Melanie, "How are you Em? You must be so tired," Kat said to me.

I nodded, "I am tired, but my excitement from finally holding my baby girl in my arms outweighs my need to sleep."

Logan came over and stroked my daughter's face, "Wow she looks a lot like you Severus!"

Severus smiled as he looked down and finally noticed the similarities between our daughter and him, "I hadn't even noticed that, but you're right."

I gasped, "Sev, look at her eyebrows!"

Severus raised one of his own eyebrows and I laughed, "They're just like yours!"

Severus and our friends all collectively laughed, "Em you're such a darling," Melanie teased.

"So, what's this little angel's name?" Noah asked as he adjusted William's beanie.

I smirked, "You'll have to wait until the boys arrive to find out."

Our friends all groaned, "Can we at least hold her?" Kat asked.

I nodded and carefully placed my daughter in her arms and watched as Kat grinned, "Oh Aunty Kat is going to spoil you crazy little one," she cooed.

Noah laughed, "And she will, you should see how she spoils William."

Melanie nodded, "His outfit today was actually a gift from her and Logan."

"Of course I picked the whole thing," Logan joked, "I have impeccable taste."

We all laughed at his joke as he went over and pulled a little pink wrapped gift from Kat's handbag and brought it over to me, "Naturally Kat had to buy a little present for her niece."

I unwrapped it and found a little flowery jumpsuit with a matching beanie and a little stuffed cat toy, "Guys this is lovely! Thank you," I said and I handed the present to Severus who thanked them as well.

Severus kissed the top of my head and I rested against his shoulder as he came to sit beside me. We watched as our friends took turns nursing our daughter and when it was Noah's turn I reached to take William from him, "I want to see my favourite little boy."

William looked up at me with his blue eyes that were the exact light shade as Melanie's. I stroked his little cheek, "Do you want to see Uncle Severus now?" I said as I handed him gently to Severus.

Severus held William gently and we all looked up as the door to my room slowly opened and Andy and Ryan walked in.

"Randy is back bitches!" Andy exclaimed playfully.

We laughed but then Melanie scolded him for being so noisy around the babies.

Severus swapped William back to Noah for our daughter and then Noah turned to the boys and said, "Guys, meet William Lucas Roberts."

Andy took William gently in his arms and fussed over him and then everyone turned expectedly to Severus and I.

Severus and I beamed before I said, "Everyone I'd like to introduce Severus's and my daughter, Anneliese Emilia Snape."

A/N: Just the Epilogue to go...

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