11 | eleven

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| chapter eleven - morning sickness |

Months passed and it was now April, I had just under two months left at Hogwarts and it was becoming very bittersweet.

I stepped out of the shower trembling slightly, I felt terrible and I was trying to focus on not passing out.

I slowly got dressed into my uniform, with my final exams rapidly approaching I couldn't afford to miss any classes.

Melanie walked into the bathroom, she was starting to show quite visibly now, but she normally had a concealment charm hiding her bump.

"Em you look awful, are you sure you should go to class?" She asked me worriedly.

I nodded, "I think I'm just hungry."

We walked down to the Great Hall and I ate a lot of breakfast, "Wow you weren't kidding when you said you were hungry." Melanie joked.

We then walked to Transfiguration, my legs were shaking and my head was buzzing.

We took our seats and McGonagall began the lesson, as time progressed I began to feel progressively more and more worse.

My vision started to go black at the edges and then I fell unconscious from my chair onto the ground.


"Is she going to be okay?" A male voice asked.

My eyes fluttered open and once my eyes adjusted I saw Severus standing over me looking very worried.

"Sev..." I rasped.

He gently pressed a glass of water to my lips, tilted it back and told me to swallow.

Madam Pomfrey moved him out of the way and pressed her hand to my forehead, "Her temperature has gone down and she's regaining colour."

I looked around to see that I was in Severus's bedroom, "What happened?" I asked.

"You passed out in Transfiguration, Miss Richards informed me that you had looked terrible this morning and then ate a lot at breakfast," Madam Pomfrey answered.

I looked at the time, "Sev shouldn't you be teaching?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "Madam Pomfrey informed Professor Dumbledore of your poor health and so he has covered the rest of my classes today so that I can be with you."

By now it was common knowledge among the staff that Severus and I were in a relationship and they were all very supportive.

Madam Pomfrey sighed, "There is something I need to tell you both, Severus you may want to sit down."

Severus sat down in the chair beside the bed and wrapped my hand in his, "What is it Poppy?" He asked.

Madam Pomfrey folded her hands in front of her, "Well I ran some tests to try and determine what exactly happened to you this morning..."

Severus squeezed my hand and I watched Madam Pomfrey, "Emilia, were you aware that you're pregnant?"

Severus' hold on my hand slackened and my heart stopped, "What?" I asked.

Madam Pomfrey nodded, "You're five weeks pregnant."

I smiled and turned to Severus who was staring at Madam Pomfrey, my heart stopped, was he not happy about this?

I felt tears well up and Madam Pomfrey said she would see us later, she then left.

I turned to Severus who was still staring at where Madam Pomfrey had been, "Severus?"

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