17 | seventeen

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| chapter seventeen - high emotions |

Laughter rung out through my grandparents' hotel room, the sound was music to my ears.

I had woken wrapped in my husband's arms and then later on we had gone to have lunch with my grandparents.

We were sitting in the living room listening to my grandparents tell funny stories from my childhood.

"Oh Glen, what about that time Emmy got into my makeup vanity and covered her face in red lipstick and then marched out pretending to be Monica," my grandmother laughed.

"Monica?" Severus asked confused.

"Emmy's mother," my grandfather replied bitterly.

I frowned at the mention of my mother and rested my hand of my baby bump, my grandmother noticed this and said, "You are going to be a wonderful mother Emmy. I'm sorry for bringing your mother up."

I shook my head, "You needn't apologise grandma, she chose her path and I've chosen mine."

Severus was stiff beside me, "Em I'm sorry to ask, but what is your blood type? Not that it matters to me, but I've always wondered if your parents are like us."

I sighed, I didn't want to talk about my parents but Severus was always so open with me, I owed him the same.

"I'm half-blood, father is a muggle and mother is a witch, although she pretends not to be," I replied softly.

"Emmy's mother was just your average witch, she wasn't exceptional in her classes but she did well enough. She was a very charming girl, always polite and happy until..." my grandmother trailed off, unable to continue.

My grandfather rested his hand on her knee, I took in a breath and continued for my grandmother, "My mother fell in love with a boy at Hogwarts and they were almost inseparable, until he decided she wasn't good enough and he cheated on her."

Severus squeezed my hand, as I paused briefly, "It was seventh year and so once she graduated, my mother took up a job in the muggle world where she met my father," I rolled my eyes.

"When she told my father about being a witch, he said she either give up on the Wizarding world or he would give up on her," I looked to my grandfather.

My grandfather straightened, "Monica didn't even hesitate, that awful man changed my daughter. She didn't contact us again until darling little Emmy was born. However, when Emmy was fourteen, Monica took her away from us."

He had tears in his eyes and I stood up and went to hug him, "Shh grandpa, I'm back now and my mother cannot take me from you again," I murmured as I rubbed his back.

My grandfather gave me a watery smile, "You got really lucky with Severus, he is exactly the man I had always hoped you would end up with."

My grandfather stood up and went over to Severus who stood up as well, suddenly my grandfather had Severus in a warm embrace.

"You brought our granddaughter back to us, I can never repay you for that," my grandfather said.

Severus patted my grandfather's back, "You do not need to repay me, you're family now and I will do anything to keep you all happy."

Severus was let go of and I went over and kissed his cheek but said nothing.


Later that night Severus and I were back in our chambers at Hogwarts preparing for the school week ahead.

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