Prologue: Meet me

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Just a quick note to tell you that this has been edited quite a lot. It's still that same story but just way more clearer and slower to make you understand better. Thank you sooo much for reading and for voting. I hope you like this story!


Name: Y/N (your name) Zoldyck
Age: 12 At the beginning but changes as the story goes on.
Height: 155 cm
Clothes: Black boots, Blue Jean shorts, a black tank top and a sleeveless denim hoodie.
Family: Father: Leon , Mother: Lazuli, Brother1: Yutsu ,Brother2: Tsurugi and Sister:Remi
Nen type: unknown for now
Hair colour: Your choice (HC)
Hairstyle: high ponytail
Eye colour: Your choice (EC)
Birthday: your choice

My past:

Spitting the blood , I wiped my mouth as I got through to my house. I went straight to the showers to clean myself. I just came back from a job my father had given me, it ended in a success and I was finally going to relax.

After cleaning myself and wearing clean clothes, I made my way to my father's room, I had to report to him what had happened after all. On the way, I stopped by Remi's room, my younger sister, to get some chocolates because she always hides the best ones in there.

Knocking on the huge door, I announced my entrance and pushed it open, only to reveal a shocking mystery.

Remi was in a pool of blood, her gorgeous silver hair was tainted with the crimson liquid. My mind went blank for a second.




I ran over to her side and checked her pulse, I didn't really need to since the slash on her abdomen was as clear as the sun. There was nothing. I held onto her and looked around, confused as hell.

"Why is she dead?" I asked myself, my eyes widening. I swallowed the lump in my throat and got up. Leaving her side, I ran out of the room, looking for my parents.

"How can this happen?! There are no signs of intruders anywhere, and besides even if there were, Remi can beat the shit out of anyone!" Shes only 6 but she has already finished her training. My Mother and my uncle both say that she is a prodigy.

I shook my head and ran into the dining room's double doors. Pushing them open, a sight even more shocking than anything was revealed.

My mother, the great Lazuli Zoldyck was lying on the floor, blood dripping out of her mouth. My father also was bleeding. I checked the pulses right away and gasped.

Sure I was shocked that my parents have died but what shocked my even more is who is strong enough to kill the both of them?

I let out a shaky breath, thinking of Yutsu and Tsurugi, my two older brothers. Was their fate the same? Then I realised, Tsurugi was out on a mission too, I met him on my way home. That must mean that this happened at the time of us meeting.

"Yutsu! Where is he?!" I sprang up from the floor and stopped when I heard footsteps.

"I'm right here" he said, walking in casually.

"Yutsu! You're alright!" I said as I breathed a sigh of relief, then I remembered. "W-What happened here?! Mother, Father and Remi are dead! Someone must have killed them!" I shouted out.

Yutsu did nothing but stare.

"Oi say something! Say some-". An evil, mocking smirk decorated his expression.

"Come on, this is a joke right? You can't be serious. No way..." my eyes were so wide that in any moment they could pop out.

"Well, you found me. Nothing I could do about it" he shrugged. Bewilderment filled me. I just didn't understand? Why would he do such a thing?

"Why? Well, that is something I'd like to keep to myself. Now I can't afford you babbling to other people about this so, you're gonna die today" he smiled.

"W-What are you talking about?! Are you crazy?! Why are you doing this? Killing your own family? I don't understand!?" I shouted at the top of my lungs, tears filling my eyes. I wiped them as quick as possible.

"I will only answer one question" he replied.

"We're family, do we not mean anything to you?" I asked quietly.

"Family? Hah! The only one who thinks of us as a family is you, you weak little bother. Have you ever stopped and looked around you? Our old man only cared for money, that's probably why he married Mother, who was part of the main Zoldyck family. Every day he would give us jobs saying that it was for training, but you just couldn't see his real intention! And our mother fell in love with a money loving bastard and couldn't do anything herself, he ordered her and she said yes to the man she loved. And that little shit of a brother, the only thing he ever did was collect those weird things and keep them in his room and if you just touched them he would be ready to kill. And finally, that 6 year old prodigy. She never once thought of us as family, we were targets, after she got stronger than us she would kill us, you can see it in her eyes. I'm pretty sure you've noticed yourself. You're the only one who thinks of us a family. You're jealous of the main family, Killua in particular, his family only care about him because he's a prodigy, just like Remi. Now do you see? Do you understand?" He said. He was really frustrated whilst he said that.

"N-No! No I don't understand! I am not jealous of Killua and Remi! I just...I just wanted to live a happy life with my family, even if they didn't think of me as one! I don't care, they're still blood! They'r-"

"Enough of your bullshit. I thought you were better than this you weakling and pathetic excuse of a Zoldyck. Seeing as both me and Illumi have invested time in training you, I can just about say that you are a waste of time. I'm not gonna kill you, its too pitiful to see this. You wont be able to do anything anyways. Stop lying to yourself and wake up. We're Zoldycks, we're heartless" he said, his eyes wide. He put his hands on his hips and walked away.

I stared in disbelief at his retreating form. Was my father really a money loving bastard? Did my mother really love him that much? Did they really not care?

These questions floated in my mind, my head started hurting.

"Before I go, however, I need to do something" he said and appeared in front of me.

Holding me by the neck, he squeezed until I was out of breath. I wriggled under his touch and gasped for air. He smirked and let go, making me fall on the ground.

"Well then, bye bye, my cute little sister. Don't get too depressed and die" he laughed and walked away, disappearing from sight. I decided I should swallow my sadness and not be down about this. I was angry I couldn't do anything. I hated him. How could he? I thought like that for awhile until I calmed down and decided to bury my beloved family. Of course like the other Zoldyck family, we owned a huge property so I buried them in the back yard, said my prayers, took the things I need and took off to become stronger.

That was my past from the next chapter it will be the present. So see you next chapter. Bye

This will be based on the 2011 anime because I haven't read the manga. So yeah. Have a nice day byeee!

Next chapter:
-How it all started

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