Chapter 53: Killua Leaves

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Gon lined us up to watch him and got into a fighting position.

"Saishou wa gu! Jan! Ken! Gu!(rock)" He shouted and jumped at the huge boulder in front of him, smashing it to pieces.

"Wow" we clapped.

"Here comes the next one! Saishou wa gu! Jan! Ken! Po-(paper)" he said. However, nothing happened.

"Bisky, how do I make my Nen fly?" asked Gon suddenly. Killua dropped to the floor in disappointment and I laughed.

"Train more!" shouted Bisky.

"So Paper is an Emitter technique?" I asked.

"Uh-huh. And scissors is a Transmuter technique. I wanna be able to cut through rocks"

"I understand. That's an understandable fighting technique" said Bisky. Gon then started explaining how and why he chose this technique. Killua cleared his throat, signalling us to look at him. He put his hands next to each other and an electrical charge appeared, he expanded it slightly and smiled.

"This is all I can manage for now, but if I charge it up, it becomes much stronger" said Killua smirking.

"That's awesome Killua. You're like an electrical eel!" shouted Gon.

"That's a horrible comparison!" said Killua.

"That's pretty good" I praised him.

"Well what do I say" he said, acting all proud.

"Don't forget me!" I said smirking proudly.

"Come on! Show us what you're made of Y/N!" shouted Bisky. I smiled and closed my eyes. I conjured up the necklace and opened my eyes. I reached for the sapphire rose and picked a petal. Bringing it up to my eye level, I blew on it. The delicate petal floated in the air lightly until I shouted "Water Arrow!"

The petal changed into water arrows and flew to a huge boulder and smashed it into pieces. I smirked at my work and faced the audience.

"W-What was that?"

"What exactly is your power?"


"I'm not done yet people" I said, and ripped off 2 other petals off the crimson and white roses.
"Fire Wind" I shouted and a gush of hot wind hit the rock and broke. I smirked at the results and looked over at the confused and shocked faces of the others.

"That's amazing!" shouted Gon and ran over to me. I laughed lightly at him and patted his head.

"Y/N, can you explain your power and where you got it from?" asked Bisky, still amazed. I then proceeded to explain and gave them a visual demonstration of each rose.

"I'm still lacking though, I can only use about 3% of each roses power. Maybe even less. I need more training" I finished.

"That's a really creative idea Y/N, well done" smiled Bisky and patted me on the back.

"Well then, let's take a break for now. It's a little early but we can have a party" said Bisky.

"A party?" I asked.

"What do you guys do at home to celebrate?" She asked.

"Celebrate what?" asked Gon.

"In the outside world, it's nearly New Years. Time flows at the same speed inside the game as outside" She said.

"Damn it! The deadline to apply for the Hunter Exam is coming up!" Said Gon, facing Killua.

"Ugh, and our training was just about to get fun" Groaned Killua.

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