Chapter 16: Final Phase Part 2

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Something happened and this chapter is before the other one so if you're reading this, skip it, and read Part 1 then come back. Sorry about this😣😭

I woke up and rubbed my eyes. Its time for the exam. I thought as I stood up and got ready. I walked out of the room and met up with the guys.

"Good morning Y/N" greeted Kurapika.

"Morning" I replied. "So it's finally the final phase isn't it" I said and sighed.

"Yep" answered Killua. We looked out of the window, our destination was there. After we landed, we went out and walked into this spacious room. We all stood, waiting for Netero-san to start speaking.

"This is it" said Pokkle.

"All right, I've been cramming non stop for this! I'm prepared for anything" said Leorio smirking.

"The Final Phase is gonna be a one on one fighting tournament" stated Netero-san.

"What?! A t-tournament?!" Screamed Hanzo.

"You mean, it's not gonna be a written exam?!" Said Leorio, shocked.

"Written exam? Where did you ever get an idea like that from?" Said netero-san

Leorio, Pokkle and Hanzo turned to Bodoro straight away, who looked away and started whistling.

"Here's the chart that shows who is gonna fight who" said Netero-san and pulled down the cloth that was covering the board. Everyone stared at the board, shocked.

"This is..." said Kurapika.

"Could it be...." said Leorio.

"For this years exam.." said Killua.

"Only one of us passes?" Finished Gon.

"Hohohohoho" laughed Netero. We all sweat dropped.

"So what do you think? The match-ups are pretty good if I do say so myself" said Netero.

"This is...."

"It's gotta be a joke"

"Only one of us passes?" Everyone started talking.

I then looked up at Kurapika. His match was against Hisoka.

Leorio gasped. "You're against this guy? Please I'm begging you win and make sure he doesn't get on to the next round" he said.

"I'll win, no matter what" said Kurapika confidently. I smiled at his confidence. That match is gonna be interesting.

"Hohohoho don't get the wrong idea, to pass the exam, all you have to do is win one match, the tournament is set up so that the losers go to the second round. And if you reach the top, you fail" he explained.

"So in other words, you're saying that only one of us fails?" I said.

"Exactly" he replied. "Everyone has at least two chances of winning"

"Oh is that it? You scared me, this is gonna be a cinch" said Leorio then he gasped. "Oi Kurapika! You gotta lose to Hisoka you hear me!"

"Be quiet for a second, you don't know if it's gonna be a cinch or not until you actually start fighting" said Kurapika. Then Beans came and started telling us about the matches.

"Okay then are there any questions?" Asked Beans.

"What's the reason behind the match ups not being fair?" Asked Leorio.

"I knew you'd ask that, well it's based on our grading system, the higher your grades, the more chances you'll get" explained Netero.

"How do you grade us?" Asked Killua.

"Unfortunately our grading system is confidential I can't tell you everything, but when we grade you it's on three main features, Your physical ability, mental acuity and overall impression" he said and kept on explaining.

"Are there any more questions?" Asked beans.

"How do we fight each other?" Asked Gon.

"The rules are simple, you can use weapons, you win when your opponent admits defeat, but you cannot kill your opponent, at that point everyone automatically passes while you fail, is that clear?" Everyone nodded.

"Well then, let the Final Phase begin" said Netero. The referee stepped out and cleared his throat.

"Will number 406 Y/N and number (whatever, just think of the guy that we need for this to work) please come forward." He asked.

"Okay then seems like it's my match first" I said and got ready, I stretched a bit and took a deep breath.

"I'll be the first one to take the license this year" I said and smiled cockily.

"Good luck Y/N" screamed Gon as I walked in. I gave him a thumbs up and faced my opponent.

"Start" said the referee.

"I'm gonna end this quickly" he said and took out his sword.

"Try me" I said and smirked. He jumped towards me and I jumped backwards. For the first couple of attack's I just dodged, then I decided to land a hit. He stood in his fight stance and panted. I smirked and sprinted to him as fast as I could. I punched him in the face and he flew backwards and went through the wall. The wall then collapsed and made an even bigger hole.

"Woooh maybe I went overboard" I said. Everyone stared at me. The guy stood up and walked towards me, his face bleeding.

"You bitch" he swore and ran towards me. I shook my head and skilfully turned him upside down and he fell on the floor, I sat on his stomach and took my sword and put it near his neck.

"You lost the moment you lost your cool" I said and gave him a frightful stare. He sweat dropped and looked frightened.

"I give up..." he said quietly. I stood up and smiled.

"The winner is Number 406 Y/N" he said. As I walked back I saw him coming at me from behind.

"Damn you! You made me look so uncool" he screamed. I turned around and punched his jawline, and gave him an upper cut. He flew upwards and passed out. Everyone was shocked at what that guy did. I shook my head and walked back to where I was.

"Y/N you were so cool!" Gon said with his eyes sparkling.

"Congratulations on passing" said Kurapika.

"Thanks" I said and sat down. I took a water bottle and drank it.

"The next match will be held 30 minutes from now, please meet back in the other hall, as this one was destroyed" he said and looked at the huge hole that I created.

"Sorry 'bout that" I said and laughed. After that we went to the cafe and sat together.

"Your match with Hisoka is next right?" Killua said to Kurapika, to which he nodded.

"Well good luck" I said and smiled, he smiled at me. I sighed, it's gonna be interesting, unfortunately my opponent was weak, ughhhh I should've lost so I would get to fight someone interesting, oh well. I thought to myself as I finished the water bottle that was in my hands.


Next chapter is:

-Final Phase part 3

Thanks for reading! Bye!

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