Chapter 38: Unexpected Arrival

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"Yo. I'm back!" said the voice.

"Ah you're back. Where's boss?" asked Feitan. My eyes widened. I shook uncontrollably and gulped.

"No way" I muttered. I looked at the figure and anger and hate was all I felt.

"Ah! Seems like we have guests" he said and looked at us.

"You bastard!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I kicked Nobunaga in the balls so he can let go of my hands and jumped to the man that was standing on the rubble. I tried to land a punch but he dodged it and I punched the wall instead, which crumbled to pieces and left a giant hole in it.
I felt everyone stare at me.

"Wow! Fancy meeting you here, little sis" said my big brother.

"I will kill you!" I said and jumped at him one more time but was stopped as five members of the Troupe came in my way. Feitan held my wrist tightly, Machi used her strings to stop me from moving. Hisoka had his cards under my neck, Phinks stopped my punch and Nobunaga had his sword under my neck as well. I panted and glared at my brother that was standing there with his usual smirk.

"Move and we will kill you" said Feitan.

"Like I can move" I said.

"Don't show attitude" he said and punched me in the stomach. I winced in pain and surrendered.
"Y/N!" I heard Gon and Killua. I looked at them and frowned.

"Damn it" I said and they let me go.

"You're dangerous" said my big brother. I kept my eyes on him and give him a death glare.

"What's this? Your sister?" asked Franklin.

"Ah yeah" He nodded.

"I didn't know you had a sister" said Shalnark.

"I have two. But one of them is dead" He asked and smirked.

"You monster" laughed Shalnark. I was growing madder and madder by every passing second. I knew that if I tried to move again, they will kill me.

"Well, what a great reunion" said Hisoka smirking.

"Ah I see that Kill is here as well. Did you get rid of my Nen?" said Yutsu.

"Yeah" Nodded Killua.

"I never knew you would join the Troupe" I said looking at him.

"Well here I am" he said, showing me his tattoo of the spider that was on his rib cage.

"Hmm...Didn't think you were the sort of person to work in groups. And a thief? I expected more from you" I shook my head.

"Ah you had some expectations for your big brother? How sweet" He said and held my face. "What a shame. Seems like you're still not strong enough to fight me. I can feel it" he said and smiled at me.

"And how do you know that?" I shot back. He eyed me and stared into my soul.

"Have you seen chains?" he asked.

"What are you talking about?" I shouted, irritated.

"Once you see white chains, I'll acknowledge you, now youre just worthless, the same state in which I left you. Come back when you're stronger" he said and turned away and started walking.

"White Chains? What are you on about? Anyways, just make sure you don't die by this Chain user. If he killed the strongest one out of you, then he's more than capable of-" I was interrupted when Nobunaga put his sword under my neck.

"Don't speak, if you do I'll kill you" he said, glaring at me with such pressure.

"Don't kill her. If you do, I will kill you" said my big brother, releasing his murderous aura. He released me and carried me to Gon and Killua. He then led us to a room and we sat at the far end. He sat in front of the door and faced us. We sat in silence. I was still mad but managed to calm down.

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