Chapter 64: NGL

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"They're the ones I mentioned to you over the phone, Gon, Killua and Y/N" said Kite as we met Lin and Podungo on a bridge.

"Oh, I-I'm Lin Koshi" said a little guy with glasses.

"My name is Podungo Lapoy" said a silver haired short woman.

"Glad to be here, Lin-san, Podungo-san" said Gon.

"Hello" me and Killua said.

"Let's get down to business. Where was the leg discovered?" asked Kite.

"On the beach over there" pointed Podungo.

"A-According to the locals, it washed up on the sh-shore" stuttered Lin. We made our way to the beach and started looking around.

"Hey Kite, do you think we'll be able to kill the Chimera Ant easily if we found it?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. It may have the same qualities as other animals so its really hard to say" he said.

"I'll help too!" I heard Gon scream from the other side. I looked back and saw him running towards Banana and he bent down and started sniffing the claw like the grey dog.

"His nose is as sharp as a dog" said Killua. After a while of waiting, Gon and the dog came back.

"We couldn't find anything" he said.

"Maybe the smell disappeared because of the rain" I said.

"That means the Chimera Ant isn't here" said Mon.

"It may have washed shore somewhere else. In which direction do the currents flow here" said Kite.

"Its complicated. The direction is reversed between day and night" said Lin.

"And it also changes in seasons. I've even heard it changes on different days" added Podungo.

"So it'll be tough to pinpoint a location" said Spin.

"It's too early to give up. Let's split up and search" said Gon.

"You're right" nodded Spin and we all started looking around.


"No luck" stated Gon, as the sun started to set.

"Continuing to search blindly is pointless. Lets return to Yorknew City" said Kite.

And with that, we all hopped into the car and off we drove. Everyone slept in the car except for me, Kite and Dinner. I had an awful lot of worries in my head and questions. What if the queen actually DID eat a human, would it be able to speak? What if it kept eating humans and we go extinct? What if we can't find it? What if.....if it eats someone with Nen? Would they get their Nen ability?

"Don't worry about the Ant. Leave it to us, you just sleep, you haven't slept since yesterday" came the voice of Kite. I looked up at him and smiled at him.

"Okay" I nodded and closed my eyes.


"I don't see anything. I just checked the past six months, and the largest group only numbered ten" said Spin.

"Hey, can we look up missing people individually?" asked Gon.

"Don't be ridiculous. You know how many hundreds of thousands of people go missing worldwide?" said Spin.

"We should be able to see which areas have the largest concentration" said Killua. Spin used her computer and looked around for a bit.

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