Chapter 55: Razor and the Fourteen Devils

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"That makes 54 types!" shouted Gon happily. After trying to gather cards for a number of days, we finally got 54. We even started trading for Leave cards and got 4 types.

We then got Lucky Alexandrite from the sick villagers from before. We helped them get rid of their disease, well it was Gon's necklace that did it but oh well. However, as soon as Gon put it in the restricted Slot, a player contacted him straight away. Just to show you the greedy bastards.

"Yo, this is Kazusule, (the guy who stole the Sword of Truth from Gon). I'd like to talk to you. Can we meet in person?" He asked.

"Talk about what?" asked Gon.

"Some people are close to clearing the game. It's a team of three. Led by someone named Gensuru" He said. We perked up at the name.

We travelled over to where we were meant to meet and sat down on the rocks as a team and waited for him to start talking.

"Thanks for coming everyone. Much appreciated. As I mentioned through Contact, Gensuru and his team and close to clearing the game. I just checked the ranking and they're currently at 96 types. We must figure out a way to stop them" He explained.

"Can I ask something?" asked Killua.


"How do you check the ranking?"

"Well-" he started but was interrupted by a feminine voice.

"You don't know how to do that? If we answer their questions we'll be here till dawn! Just cut to the chase" she said. Killua rolled his eyes at her.

"Well, don't be mean, we're all here to exchange information" he said.

"Yeah, they might have information that you don't, Asta" another one said.

"That's impossible. Those kids are amateurs who don't even know how to use the Trade Shop" She said smugly.

"On the Trade Shop, there's a ranking that lists players and their total restricted cards. If you pay a fee, you can learn their number of cards" The guy explained.

"But getting a player's name from the ranking still won't let you use Contact nor Fluoroscopy on them. Not until you actually meet them. Don't you feel a bit smarter now, kids?" asked Asta provokingly.

"Team Gensuru is only missing #0, #2, #9, #75." He said. We glanced at each other and kept a straight face.

"There's a solid theory that #0 appears in an event after the other 99 cards have been collected" He explained. They then started explaining the plan.

"Okay, no objections?" asked Kazusule.

"I'm okay with the plan, but I have a problem  with these members" said Asta.

"Hold on Asta, I met your condition, only people with over 50 cards can join, as everyone here has met that" He said.

"I also said that they had to be people who could contribute. I don't see how these kids are able to contribute anything" she said, referring to us.

"Can I punch her?" I asked Bisky.

"No, stay still" she said. I swallowed my anger and stayed still.

"You're the one being uncooperative" replied Killua.

"You have a smart mouth. Then show me proof that you can actually be useful" she said.

"We know Gensuru's abilities" said Gon.

"We have one of the three cards that they're missing" said Killua.

"Still dissatisfied?" asked Killua.

"No that's good enough. Now tell us what their abilities are" she said.

"What about you?" I asked.


"Show us some proof that you can be useful to us" I stated.

"We have 71 restricted slot cards. Significantly more than you. I'll give you an A-rank card in exchange for the information. You shouldn't have a problem with that" she smirked.

"I have a problem. We can obtain an A-rank card ourselves. So give us two S-rank cards or equally valuable information. Otherwise we won't tell you a thing" said Killua. I was trying to hold in my laugh. That Asta lady looked so distressed.

"Don't act too cocky, brat! Everyone did you hear that. These kids won't be of any help. They want two S-rank cards from each team" she said.

"Don't be a fool. I'm only taking cards from your team. I'm fine with giving information to the other 4 teams. I'll let them decide what to offer in return. However, I won't give you a single piece of information until you meet my condition" said Killua stubbornly.

"You really are a stupid brat. Throwing a tantrum because I didn't baby you?" She said.

"Stop it you two. We don't have time to be fighting among ourselves" Said Kazusule.

"I never agreed to be in the same team yet!" They both shouted at the same time.

In the end, everyone calmed down and we all sat in a circle and let Gon explain Gensuru's ability. We then started exchanging information between all of us. At the end, we decided to go and get Patch of Shore, #2, which was in Soufrabi. We used an Accompany card to get there as a team.

Once we reached Soufrabi, we started walking around and asking. Killua told us to search every room and everywhere. That's when we heard a voice.

"Oi! I found someone with information!" He said. We walked over to Goreinu and he led us to a woman.

"Pirates rule this city, there's a legend about an underwater cavern called the Sea Gods Grotto located somewhere in this area. Patch of Shore is the entrance to it. A few years ago, having heard the story, 15 pirates came to this city and ruled over it. Razor and the fourteen devils. The city fishermen were all tortured and killed. The pirates got rid of anyone who knew about Patch of Shore. If you get rid of them, I'll tell you what I know" She said, taking a cigarette and lighting it.

We walked away to discuss what our next move will be.

"Let's go to the pirate's base!" Said Kazusule and we proceeded to go there. We strolled towards a building and opened it, men were on the floor drinking, they perked up and stared us down.

"Who are you guys? We booked this place for tonight. Get lost!" Shouted one of them.

"Would you please leave the city" Said Kazusule. They bursted out laughing.

"Been a while since I've heard that" Said the skinny one.


Thank you for reading!
Next chapter:
-A Shocking Encounter

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