Chapter 7: The Second Phase

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"Ahhhh it seems as though all of them managed to get pigs" said Menchi.

"Yes. I can't wait to try them! I'm so hungry!" Said Buhara and his stomach started rumbling. It was like an earthquake to be honest. 

Everyone had started cooking and there didn't seem to be any troubles, everyone was getting on juts fine. I felt uneasy about this Phase. I mean just roasting a pig? What the heck? I decided to only focus on the task and shrugged these thoughts off.

"I'M DONE!" shouted one of the guys. Everyone watched as the first guy walked towards the examiners. He placed his plate down and smirked.

"Here you go" he said.

"What the heck do you call this? Huh?" Screamed Menchi. "This THING is burnt! I am NOT going to taste that even if it's the LAST thing I do!" She continued and threw the plate upwards which was eaten by Buhara. Everyone looked at her and sweat dropped. "If you are gonna cook. Then cook right!" She said and turned her head around. The guy who was in front of her was shocked.

"You fail! Who's next?" She said and looked at us.

"What do you mean I fail?" He said.

"Do you want me to spell it out for you. I said you fail and that means you fail. Now go back to your place" She said and shooed him off with her hands. The guy stared at her and went back. 

One by one, she started failing us all. I waited for a while before I gave her mine. So I can learn from other people's mistakes. I was okay at cooking. I mean I can cook a lot of things but it's just a hobby. I only cook when I'm starving. 

I took a look at my roasted pork. It was simple. It wasn't fancy like Gon's and Kurapika's but it wasn't disgusting like Killua's and Leorio's. I shrugged and made my way to the examiners as I felt everyone's eyes on my back. I placed the plate in front of Menchi and waited. 

"Hmm it looks nice..." She muttered. "The taste is okay. Slightly over baked and that ruined your chance of passing. Sorry" She continued. 

"Damn..." I muttered under my breath and walked back to the guys. 

"Man I thought you were gonna pass" said Gon.

"Yeah" Agreed Kurapika.

After that, she failed us all.

"What is the matter with you people? Can't you roast a pig?!" She screamed.

Hanzo, one of the other contestants, said something and then Menchi totally flipped out. She started screaming at him and kept on shaking him from his collar.


"All of you fail! That's it! Now better luck next year" She said and started walking away and sat on the sofa. Then one of the fat guys came up to her and was about to attack but then Buhara got mad and threw him.

"Oi Buhara! Don't get involved" She said.

There were a few minutes of silence and tension floated in the air. However, a loud noise and a strong wind came above us. We look up and saw a huge aircraft flying above us and then someone fell from the sky. He landed right in front of us. Menchi's eyes widened and she started fussing around nervously.

"Who is this old guy?" Asked a voice. Then they all started whispering.

"C-Chairman Netero. W-what brings you here?" She asked. Then all of us stared at him.

"I see that there was a little problem here.." he said and started stroking his beard.

"Yes" Menchi replied a bit more calm this time.

"I see. So you really did fail them all. Ahahaha" he laughed heartily.

"Yes I did"

"Why?" He asked. She then started to explain to him why she failed us all. 

"Okay. Then why don't we try another test. Only a bit more simple this time" he asked.

Menchi though for a minute then nodded. "Sure. But can we use the aircraft to go to the place?" 

"Sure" he answered. 

We were all confused but decided to follow them.

I hopped down the stairs and looked around. 

"Hmmm seems like we are in a mountain" I said and looked around. Gon, who was beside me, agreed. We then walked behind Menchi and waited for her to begin.

"You are going to be making boiled eggs" She said. I heard a few "What?" In the crowd. "But not chicken eggs. But these spider eggs. I'll give you a demonstration" she said and made her way next to the cliff. She smirked and jumped in with no hesitation. Everyone gasped, shocked at her weird actions. 

We waited for a while and then she started explaining how to do things from down there.

"Hold onto the web and wait. Then, at just the right time, you fall and pick an egg" She said and disappeared.

"Is she crazy?" One of the guys asked.

"What is she doing?" Another one asked. 

A small breeze exited from the hole, Menchi flying with it, and egg in her had.

"There you go. I gave you a demonstration and now it's your turn" she smiled.

Me and the gang smiled at each other and jumped into the crate. Then everyone started jumping in. 

"Hey wait for my signal okay" said Gon. We nodded and waited. One of the guys jumped in without waiting for the breeze and probably died.

"Idiot. The breeze only comes in at certain times" I said and shook my head. 

"After 3. 1......2........3!" Screamed Gon. We all let go and each grabbed an egg. Then we fell down and were lifted up by the strong wind. 

After that we boiled our eggs and just started talking about random stuff. Gon and Killua were talking and playing around. I just spoke to Kurapika and Leorio about the exam. 

"They are so delicious!" Said Gon, gobbling up his egg.

"I know right? I can eat them all day" I said and laughed.

"Okay! Now those of you who have passed get on the aircraft because we are going to head over to the third phase location. All aboard please. Hohohooho" laughed Netero-san.

We got on the aircraft and everyone did their own thing. Some people went to have a shower, some people slept and so on and so on.

"Hey Y/N!" Asked Gon from behind me.

"Mhmm" I said.

"Do you wanna go exploring with me and Killua?" He asked.

"Ahh sorry Gon. I wanna take a bath. I stink from all that running" I said and laughed.

"Ok then bye!" Gon said and waved. 

"See ya" Killua said.

"Bye" I replied. I went back to my room and took my clothes and soaked in the bath.


Next chapter:
-Arriving at the Third Phase.

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