Y/N Zoldyck

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"Why the hell would you make her go through that?!" yelled Killua, holding himself back from punching his family.

"She asked for it. We warned her" replied Silva with his arms crossed over his face.

"That is not-" before Killua could finish his sentence, Zeno interrupted him.

"Y/N came to us and asked us to release the seal. And so we did, after warning her of course. She knew what she was getting herself into and still went through with it. There is nothing we could do" he said with his raspy voice.

"It's a shame, but if she couldn't control it, then it just shows her limit" said Leon simply.

"Are you even her father, you bastard? What type of father wouldn't even care if his daughter died? So what if she asked? This isn't her fault. Stop making it seem like it is!" shouted Leorio, grabbing Leon's collar with enough force to pull him forward slightly. The servants around the area all flinched. However, before they could leap forward and apprehend Leorio, Leon placed his arm in the air, stopping them.

"You're one of the clowns my daughter travelled with, I presume. Well, what happened, happened. Are you asking me to bring her back to life?" replied Leon, placing his hand on top of Leorio's.

"Leorio, it's no use talking to them. Let's leave it at that and not disrespect Y/N's place of rest anymore" said Kurapika, his eyes solemn. Leorio gritted his teeth in anger and let go of Leon harshly. He turned back to Killua, who was silently shaking in his spot.

"Oi, you. Make sure to keep her place clean" ordered Leon to a servant, turning around and leaving with Silva and Zeno.

"It's a shame she couldn't stay alive for a while longer" said Remi shrugging at her older sister's grave.

"Well what could we do about it? This was always one of the outcomes" replied Tsurugi, placing some flowers on the grave and doing a quick bow before leaving with his sister.

"So she's met her end, huh? After all of that. I warned her too. What an idiot..." muttered Yutsu with a regretful smile. He bent down so he was at eye-level with Y/N's grave. Placing his hand on the cold, unwelcoming stone, he traced his fingers on the carved letters of her name. "Rest in peace...Y/N" He stepped away from the grave gingerly, shutting his eyes and covering his face with his hand.

"How ironic..." said Kurapika, facing the wet ground. "The person she chased after her whole life to kill, is actually the one who cared for her the most"

"Their attitude stinks. How can they call themselves her family" said Leorio.

Everyone left, even the servants. All who were left were Kurapika, Leorio and Killua. Kurapika clutched onto the bouquet of flowers he's holding and kept his eyes on the ground. Killua stayed near the grave, squatting down and staring at it in denial. "Where is he?" muttered Leorio, checking his phone.

As if on cue, they heard heavy panting and footsteps running in the mud. Their heads whipped towards the direction of the footsteps. A horrified Gon hurried through the path, sweating like crazy. His gaze was fixated on the single grave, not noticing some rocks on the ground. Tripping on one of them, he was sent flying through the air, smashing into the ground. He fell face-first into the mud. The same expression did not leave his face as he tried lifting himself up and continued on his way towards the others.

"Gon..." breathed out Kurapika as he stared at the boy's state.

Mud covered Gon's clothes. But that was the least of his worries. Once he reached the grave, he gazed at it with a blank expression. His chest heaved up and down, his eyes not moving until they trailed over the carved letters on the headstone.

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