2.The Party

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"Comingggg...urghhh are you going to stop shouting"
"We are going to be late"
"We can be late ..its a party not a class remember"
"I prefer being late to class than being late to parties"
"Ha ha ha Guess what I prefer being late to parties than being late to class"
"Ms. I m never late for anything whatsoever it is... Get your ass down here or I will come up there and you know what will happen then"
Oh dear god I better run or she is going to make me miserable. When she says she is going to come up to my room to get me out of there..that is my last chance to save myself cause she is the laziest person on the planet and would not climb up the stairs for nothing.
"Just a sec and I ll be there"
"I m comingg"
"No dont " I say stumbling down the stairs.
"Why in the world are you so hell bent on reaching this party on time Rach?"
"You know my darling I love parties and FYI this is the infamous party being conducted by The Noah Robinson "
"Yeah yeah I know"
"So shall we, my lady"
Oh so she is back to her noble acting.
"Of course my lord"
This is something we have been doing since kindergarten. Whenever we are excited we treat each other like the people from ....what do we call that ..I guess victorain days.
So well enough with this, I m sure you are a bit confused with what is happening. Rachel is over her sickness now and let me tally what happened on the day of our city tour
I saw Noah running to the place where I was standing in the parking lot. I had been waiting for this very moment the entire day. I was planning about showing him my favourite places in this city.
Noah was in front of me till the time I processed all this in my mind.
"Hey, I m sorry I m late...you know this girl in my gym lesson wanted to show me around and I did not have the heart to say no"
This is exactly why I like him ....he is so damn sweet .....he was only five mins late and he said sorry.
"Oh its okay and you are not even late"
"So what's the PLAN??"
"PLAN as in?? "
"Where are we going?"
"Oh about that ...I dont know where we should go ...there is not much to see around this city....I thought that we could walk and spend some time in the places that you like or I could show you the places that I love"
I said all of this in one breath and ended up coughing while embarassing myself in front of my new friend.
To enhance what I was feeling, Noah started laughing at the top of his voice and I was left with only one option STARING THE GROUND
"Oh come on !! It wasn't that funny"
"You were not the one who saw your
face out of breath"
"Now I nullify the deal we made...I m not showing you around the city now"
"Oh dont get angry"
He pouted and I didn't have it in me to say no to someone that cute.
"Let's go"
We went to a cafe 'ORIKAO'. It was a nice little space and I was actually enjoying the ambiance of this tiny cafe we discovered.
"So you coming to the party?"
I was taken out of my reverie with his sudden question.
I did not have any idea of how to reply.
I hate attending parties but saying no would be very rude so I decided to say yes.
"Yeah...when is it again?"
"Day after tomorrow and yeah bring that best friend of yours"
I spat my coffee when I heard what he said . Day after tomorrow ......how was I supposed to get ready for something as grand as the party he was conducting.
He doubled over in laughter and all eyes were on us.
I had been thinking that god was finally on my side but no no no how could that happen......I had been embarrassed twice in one day.
Back to the present
This is how I ended up attending this party. So now we are going to the venue and that is the Robinson Residence.
I get out of my car and take in the view in front of me ....it is literally a castle and no exaggeration here..I realise that my jaw is on the floor but I just can not come out of my shock or surprise or whatever you wanna call it.
"You coming or not?"
Rach is the only one who saves me from situations such as this. If someone saw the way I reacted when I saw this place it would have been a disaster.
We enter the place and I m about to give the same reaction I gave a few minutes ago but this time its Noah who comes as my savior.
"Elly Elly Elly, my best friend I have been looking for you for the past hour. Where were you? By the way I want you to meet somebody"
Without waiting for my reply he dragged me by my hand across the room where I can not see anybody except me and him.
Now I m a bit suspicious and happy.
What if he asks me to be his girlfriend .....what will I say ...yes or no
"Meet Natalie, my girlfriend"

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