17. Mr. Pathetic

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After talking to Alex, I felt like I needed​ to tell my mom everything but I don't feel like doing that right now. Its been a long day and all I want is to get back to my home and sleep. My mom is a worry wart, I might add and she has not left me alone since the time we left the hospital room. She is signing some forms right now and completing the formalities for my discharge. Rach is blabbering by my side and I have not paid attention to a single word she has uttered in the past ten minutes.
Tomorrow we have to go to our school again and the same schedule. Its kind of irritating. I m bored with my life.....I know there has been a lot of drama lately but I m tired of all this. Completing assignments, sitting in the class even though I do not listen to a single word the teacher speaks. I do not want to go there and with this newfound knowledge of my father's death all I want to do is stay in bed for my entire life. There is one more thing that is making me reluctant to go to school tomorrow. That is Will, I suppose he will be there tomorrow. I don't know a single thing about that guy. Noah said he would be perfect for me. Why did he say stuff like that when he himself was in love with me??? He is someone I would never be able to understand I guess.
"We are done with everything here. We can go home now"
My mom said, bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Thank god. Finally we will get out of this depressing place"
I hate hospitals. I don't think I have ever been in one since grade 2. This would be exaggerating but yeah I do not visit hospitals often. People crying and dying in the same place as me kind of makes me never want to step foot in here. But what can we do?
I m a human. I get sick and I have to come here even when I do not want to.
We are in the car now and my mom is driving when I spot a park. The place where I used to come when I was young. I have not been here for a long time now. This is the place where my dad was killed. I need to go there and get some closure, I guess.
"Mom can you stop the car here please? I want to go to this park" I say pointing in the direction of the place I wished to go to.
"But honey you just came out of the hospital. You are not well"
My mom said while stopping the car. She did give me permission.....not by her words but by her actions.
"I will be fine mom. I just need some fresh air."
"Take care honey and keep your phone switched on. Don't get me all worked up by not answering my calls okay?"
"Okay mom. I understand"
Rach starts stepping out after me.
"I would rather go alone Rach"
She looks confused and disappointed at the same time. I have to do this alone, if I ever want to get accustomed to the fact that I was not responsible for my father's death. I need to do this alone and get the closure I deserve.
I enter the park and all the memories come flooding back to me. I see the vision of a five year old me with my father singing happily. A smile finds its way on my lips and a tear down my face. Even if I try my hardest, I can not forget him. I know he tried to cheat on my mom but I know that there was a time when he actually loved her. He loved me too genuinely. He has done a lot of things that should make me hate him but they don't. In the end he is no one other than my father. I love him and there is nothing I can do about this. I go on to sit under the tree .....the place where he used to make up a shit load of stories and made me listen to him. His imagination was vivid. He could make something out of nothing and I loved that about him. It got annoying sometimes.....yeah it did but now I would give away the world to listen to him one more time making stuff up just to make me happy.
I don't know how long its been since I came here. I have my memories with me and the tears don't seem like they are going to stop anytime soon. I am not sad that he is not here with me right now....I m just happy that he once was and I have some moments to recall him by.
I hear a ruffling beside me. Someone has been here for a long time but the person had been standing in silence till now. I could feel the person around me. I did not want to act upon it cause I don't like crying in front of the people.
"Who is it?"
I yelled.
"Oooh....fiesty, I like it"
"Who the hell do you think you are? You don't have any right talking to me like that"
"Hey calm down, would you?"
The voice which I had never heard before got a face when he came out of the dark to reveal himself. He was around six feet tall, had a nice jawline....yeah this is one of the first things that I notice about a guy. I can not see his eyes properly so I do not know his eye colour. Seeing his appearance....he looks like a vampire and believe me that is a compliment. I mean vampires are hot but I wouldn't describe him as hot atleast not to his face.
"Why should I calm down, Mr. I don't know who you are but would like it if I could help you calm down."
"You are always this sarcastic or is it a special day today...huh??"
"Today isn't a special day. Its you, a guy I don't even know but apparently am talking to. You are making my mouth utter sarcastic comebacks"
"Why are you emphasizing on the fact that you dont know me?? You wanna?? I wouldn't be surprised if you said you do. Everybody wants a piece of this"
He said pointing to himself.
"Well do I seem like everybody to you.
Mr. Pathetic?"
"No you don't. You are different."
Whoaa what is it with this guy?
I came here feeling down and sad but now, all I feel is anger and that too towards someone I don't even know. I usually don't get this angry but the last couple of days have been spent with me being angry or sad. So I don't think its surprising​.
I stomp my foot in disgust and walk out of the park.
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