13. It's Friday​

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Its lunch and all of us are sitting together. Its me, Rach, Alex, Noah and Natalie. She is really beautiful with her auburn hair and one of the most contagious smiles I have ever seen. It seems like everyone is talking all at once. I m just observing all of them. It is a happy time without any drama. I love it when life is this simple. I am the girl who always stays in the background. I don't like being the center of attention, it just makes me feel weird. Sometimes I think that I should speak up and express my views but I can't cause that is not who I m and I can't change that.
Rach is more outgoing, its like the entire schools knows who Rachel Smith is.....Well yeah its kind of obvious since she is the lead of all the musicals and shows our school has ever organised. She is damn good when it comes to acting......there is no one better than her.
The next person on the queue is Alex, he is in the middle of outgoing and reserved. He is like an open book but a turtle with a hard shell around him at the same time. People may think that they know everything about him but that is not the case ever. His art is amazing ....but that is not the only quality he has. He is good in anything and everything you can think of......music, drawing, dancing, playing guitar, singing, acting.... He can do it all. Its as if he has a number of people inside him and the only thing he has to do is switch from one person to another.
"So everyone in??"
"Yeah" all of them said in unison. The plan is to watch a movie at Noah's place since he has a private theatre. He is filthy rich I might add.
I m really excited for this. Even though its just a friends night out but it seems so much more. I have never had any friend except Rach and all of a sudden these people came in my life and I feel like......why didn't I meet them earlier.
Its friday and the day for our movie night. I feel like something big is gonna happen today. And I know if I feel this way ....something will happen, my instincts never betray me. Sometimes Rach says that she thinks I m psychic. Well I don't think so. Alex will be here to pick us up in 10 mins and I have not yet decided​ what to wear.
"Can you please pick out the clothes for me??"
"You are not a small girl Ell, you should be able to choose your own clothes"
"I know mum.... You know how much I hate dressing up....I wish I could go everywhere in my t-shirt and shorts."
"You can if you want to"
"Lydia, I will help your daughter dress up don't worry"
"Thanks Rachel, you are a darling.....you might as well learn something from her Ell"
And a smirk forms on Rach's lips. I guess every parent has only one job regarding their kids and that would be asking them to learn something from their friends.
"Now do what you promised. Find an outfit for me"
"You should wear something nice. Its an important day after all"
"Important?? We are going to watch a movie not act in it."
"The day is important Ell....can you listen to me for once without interrupting"
"Wear this"
There is a royal blue coloured dress in her hand. It has square neck and is off shoulder. The dress fits me like a glove but I don't like such clothes. I like baggy t-shirts and anything that does not show my figure.
"I don't want to"
"But you will. Now go on and change"
Oooo she is not happy that I don't like it. And being afraid of her anger I follow her command and change. We hear a honking sound from outside just as I dress up. It was as if someone specially messaged Alex to tell him that I was ready and he should be here.
I do not care about makeup or how my hair look. There are just fine being contained in a bun. I pick up my flats from the rack and the moment I slip my feet in them Rach decides to shout from behind to scare the shit out of me.
"Are you trying to give me a heart attack here"
"Nooo...but you can't wear those with this"
She says pointing at my footwear and then at my dress.
"What do you suggest then?"
She picks up the heels that I bought last year but never had the chance of wearing them....nope that's not the case, I just avoided them.
Yeah I hate heels. They are basically a method for torture. If heels had been invented in ancient times they would have been​ used as a form of punishment for a crime or something like that.
"What are you girls doing??? I have been out there waiting for you for like an hour and you people are still not ready"
I punch nemo on his arm playfully and gesture with my hand for him to wait for us downstairs.
"Will be there in five" Rach shouts from my bed on which she has been sitting for two hours and hogging like a dinosaur. I don't know where the food goes. She is totally fit....no extra fat. Whatever lets go downstairs and enjoy.
"Lets go nemo"
"What happened to ironman and black widow?"
"Long story"
"Why don't I ever get any nicknames...I feel left out"
"You are never there when we think about them and Don't feel left out babe..... You should consider yourself lucky that you are not being called a cartoon"
"Maybe I should"
"Finally you ladies decided to come. I was thinking​ about crashing on your couch"
"I know you wouldn't do that. Now please can we go. I don't want​ to miss the starting"
"No one is going to play it before everyone is there tweety"
Please vote for the story. I know it was much of a filler chapter but I promise the story is going to become like a rollercoaster ride soon. Thankyou for your support everyone.😊

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