5.The Meeting

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Pic of Noah's and Elly's dress on the top
So me and rachel went shopping. It was basically an uneventful day. The moment we entered the place my eyes went in the direction of a beautiful summer yellow dress. I tried it on and according to Rach it was one of the best things I had ever had the opportunity of wearing. We bought  that dress and after stopping by Rachel's house for some food, I came back to my house leaving my companion there.
Now I am sitting on the roof of my house drinking in the beauty of the night with my diary in  one hand and coffee in another. I just love sitting here. Being here makes me feel free and my thought process is in its best condition when I m here. The thing that I like the most about this place is the tree in front of my house. The tree itself is not very special but the lampost just above it highlights it in a way that it seems kind of magical.
My phone is beeping but who could it be at this hour.
Its a message and that too from none other than Noah himself.
"Why did you not attend the entire party....I had a surprise planned for you...you should atleast have told me before going...I am grievously injured....not literally but metaphorically"
Yea its true I should not have gone but seeing him with Natalie was a lot to bear. How am I supposed to reply to his message.

"Yeah I know I should hv told you but I wasn't feeling well...hope u understand :)"
"Ohh I m sry I didn't know u were not well....I totally forgive you...but u have to make it up to me by meeting me.....NOW"
"Yes now"
"But if my mom gets to know that I sneaked out at around midnight to meet a guy ....I will be grounded"

"You are 17 Elly...u won't be grounded"

Yeah my mom is a bit old fashioned but I don't blame her ...she doesn't want the same thing that happened to her to happen with her daughter. But what do I do now. Its really tempting to meet him and I don't think I have any choice other than meeting up with him.

"Ok I ll come but u need to pick me up...and when u r here dont blow the horn just msg me and I will sneak out from the backdoor."
"Be there in ten"
I hv only ten mins to get ready.....I don't want to seem overdressed but I dont even want to go in what I m wearing right now either and that is my nightgown. I know no one prefers wearing them nowadays but I like them and I don't care about what others think about it. Me and my stupid mind ....why do I think about so many useless things and now I have only 8 mins...
Opening my wardrobe there is nothing that seems nice enough for the occasion.
What do I do .....oh yeah there is one thing I can do and I m pretty sure that will be the solution of my problem and that is CALLING RACH.
"Rach ....hii I know its a bit late but I need your help"
I literally shout out to her over the phone.
"Whoooz this"
Ohh she was sleeping...damn it ...it takes more than an hour for her to come back to her senses when she is that sleepy.
"Wake up Rach I m seriously in trouble ....Noah asked me to be his girlfriend"
This will definitely wake her up.
"Chill out babe...I made it up so that the sleepy head of yours wakes up..."
"You bitch"
"Listen to me....Noah is coming over to pick me up...he is saying that I need to make up for leaving his place without even informing him."
"Thats amazing...so what are you going to wear and wont you get in trouble with your mom if you sneak out at this time"
"That's why I called you ...I want you to tell me what I should wear and yeah I guess I would​ get in trouble but not if I walk as soft as a cat"
"Wear the dress you bought today"
"Don't you think I would look overdressed"
"No babe just wear the damn thing and if he asks why you are wearing something that fancy just tell him that you were trying it on when he asked you to meet him"
Now what do you think ......isn't she just awesome...the solution to my each and every problem...
"I ll call you later ... Now I have exactly 2 mins before he comes and picks me up"
"Okay gudluck and Don't forget to fill me in "
"I won't don't worry ...gudnyt"
"Gudnyt to u too .. bye"
So finally I know what I should wear.....my phone is beeping by my side
There are 4 msgs from Noah
"I m here"
"You coming or not?"
"You are still not here"
Now I don't even have 2 mins...
"Just give me minute...I will be there in no time"
I change in my new dress and head downstairs to see Noah dressed in a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a matching tie, looking handsome as ever. I guess I m not the one who is overdressed.
"So where are we going with you being all dressed up?"
"Have some patience my lady. It is a surprise and there is one thing I would like to tell you."
"And that is"
" You look stunning Ell"

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