19. School

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The entire ride to school was the same. Three of us laughing at the most random stuff. We saw a man walking at a slower pace than others and we laughed. There was nothing funny but still we couldn't stop ourselves. Alex even lost control of the car while guffawing. We could have been dead if Rach wasn't sitting in the passenger seat. She took control of the steering wheel and he continued what he was doing. I did know I could laugh this much.
"Finally we are here. It was a very long ride."
I couldn't agree more with her. It was a very long ride yet a short one as we did not realize how fast the time passed. We are standing in front of our school campus now and I see a familiar figure. She does not seem depressed. And if possible she looks happier than ever before. Yeah I m talking about Natalie. The auburn haired girl.... The girl Noah broke up with day before yesterday. I thought she loved him. Well the view in front of me seems to contradict my former opinion.
"Did you think that you stole my boyfriend?? Guess what , I never loved him. He was not my type and he was such a pussy. You deserve him. I mean look out you. Glasses, a bird's nest in the name of your hair and those stupid freckles on your nose"
Ohh is she the clichéd queen bitch in every rom com. She is behaving like one and wearing the clothes that suit the character.
"I never thought​ I stole your boyfriend.....Bitch"
I turn my foot in the direction of the door and walk without looking back. Rach following my footsteps. I guess Natalie will even join the cheerleading club... You know all those queen bitches seem to join that.
"That was a nice comeback, Ell"
"Ohh what are you saying Rach. The sentence I said does not even fit in the category of comebacks."
"Yeah that's true. You suck at saying bad stuff. Its very difficult for you to insult someone when you are not joking"
"I wish I could do that as easily as other people. How can insulting and shouting be difficult?"
"It is for you"
"It is"
I sigh in defeat.
Our lockers are really far away from both the entry and our classes. They should have made it in the middle of these two. But noooo.... They wanted us, the students to stay fit I suppose.
I reach my locker and the one to my right is that of a girl who I always find making out with someone whenever I reach this place. Now even she is making out. I mean what is she?? How can she be such a playgirl....I guess that would be the word to describe her. She is with a brown haired guy who seems kind of attractive but well if he is involved with her he has got to be attractive. She never dates someone who does not meet uo her standards. I open my locker and take my books out when I get a look on the guy's face clearly. What the hell??? This jerk is here....and that too standing by my locker. Yeah the same guy I met in the park yesterday. That cocky, stupid person.
He looks in my direction and a smirk displayed on his face. That stupid greenish blue eyed guy who can't stop staring, I suppose.
"Hey...you again"
"Yeah me again Mr. Pathetic"
"I would like it better if you called me something that suits me. You know there are words like sexy, hot, handsome or anything that can praise my appearance"
"I suppose my nickname for you suits you better than any of ths words you mentioned"
He turns around and talks to the girl who he was locking lips with a minute ago. Its surprising that I don't know her name even though she has had a locker beside mine for almost an year now.
"Shall I walk you to class kitty?"
"Kitty?? Is that the name of your girlfriend"
"No no its my nickname for you. Your grey eyes are just like that of a cat. Curious and bright at the same time"
I blush at this statement of his. Its not my fault that no one ever compliments me. I like it that way. I do not take compliments well actually.
"Did I just make you blush kitty?"
"No obviously not"
"Okay if you do not wish to admit it"
"Yeah alright. I blushed but not because of you. Its just that no one ever says anything good about me and when someone does it makes my cheeks go red"
"I suppose you turn red fast huh?"
"Yeah you could say that. So why are you being nice suddenly?"
"I have always been nice to you kitty. You just never noticed it"
"Since I met you yesterday, I suppose I have had a lot of instances to judge your character"
"Still sarcastic. Do you know anything except insulting people?"
"My friends tell me that I can never insult anyone"
"Then I guess they don't know you.....or maybe you are not your real self in front of them"
"What?? Seriously you are saying that I do not act my real self in front of the people I have known since I was born and I m real in front of you"
"You catch up late but yeah that's what I m trying to say"
"Get lost you jerk"
I stomp my foot and leave. Why do end my conversations in the same manner with this guy??
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