22. Will

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This question is beyond my understanding. I have been trying to do the same question for thirty minutes now and I am unable to solve it. Yeah.... Of course this is maths and that too trigonometry. The teacher should have done all the questions himself and should have made us copy them. The thing is very tough.
The sound of the doorbell enters my ears.....who could it be......my mum won't be home for two days...she is on a business trip and Rach had a lot of homework to do.
I open the door and it is the devil himself.
"Hi kitty"
"What are you doing here?" I ask confused and annoyed at the same time.
"Ohh aren't you happy to see me?"
"Didn't you listen to my tone when I said 'what are you doing here?' "
"Well of course I did and you sounded very happy."
"Are you going to answer me?"
"I just did darling.... Ohh you mean as in why am I here. Actually I do not know the answer myself"
"So would you mind going back to where you came from"
"I don't know the way back to heaven"
"I m pretty sure I was talking about hell"
"Will Walker, of hell apparently"
He lifts his arm in my direction and I strike it ......I strike it hard to hurt him.
Wait what?? Will ....the Will Noah was talking about. The one he said would be perfect for me. Noah is not a good judge of character.
"It didn't hurt and I was just trying to be nice since you do not know my name till now and I yours" says Will.
"Wait a minute. Do you have a friend whose name is Noah?"
"Yeah...how do you know that? You did a background check on me, didn't you? You like me"
"In your dreams. Do you have any idea where this friend of yours would be?"
"No actually I don't. He said he was going on a business trip and that he can not be contacted for sometime."
"Business trip??" Isn't he our age"
"Yeah yeah he is. Its just that his dad wants him to take over his business soon."
"So he is asking his son to do something he wants without even considering the wants of his child"
"You make it sound like violation. But no that is not the case. Mr. Robinson is a nice person. I m sure he would have have asked Noah if he was interested"
"What if you are wrong?"
"Then this is a case of violation"
"And you wouldn't do anything about it"
"Naoh is more mature than you are giving him credit of. If it was something like this, he would have voiced out a long time back when he went on his first trip"
"Oh god" this is a moment​ of utter disbelief for me. How can a man expect his 17 year old child to run his business?
"Can we go inside....I am freezing."
We are still standing in our doorway and I didn't realize it until he pointed it out.
"Ohh yeah.... I m sorry. Come inside. So are you good at maths?"
"No .... I don't think so. Why?"
"You see...... I was doing my homework​ when you decided to pop in and I need help."
"Okay .....show me the question you got stuck in"
"I didn't tell you that______"
"If you didn't have a problem you couldn't solve, you would not have asked for my help. So can I see the question now?"
"Okay Sherlock.....let me get my books from my room"
I have a grin plastered over my face and I don't know why. I am having a good time with the jerk. I did not think that it would ever be possible. I enter my room and I see my books scattered around. If someone was to enter my room at this instant, he or she would think that I m a mess.
Oh my god, it stopped my heartbeat for a second. I was so engrossed in bitching about my room in my head that I didn't feel a presence behind me. The guy made me jump out of shock. He practically scared the shit out of me for a moment. And now he has the guts to laugh about my situation.
"You are dead, Mr. Walker"
"You looked so funny"
"Yeah I bet I did"
"So what are you going to do? Tackle me??"
He looks questioningly​ at me. I know that what he is suggesting is not possible. First of all he is taller and secondly he seems fit. He could easily beat me. I m not that fragile and I have given some people a black ring around their eye but something inside me tells me that I shouldn't try doing the same with him.
"Ohh no that's not what I m going to do. Just wait and watch. I ll have my revenge."
"The villainy you teach me I will execute and it shall go hard but I will better the instructions"
"Why in the world are you quoting Shylock?"
"Cause you sounded like him. He was hell bent on having his revenge and the same goes for you"
"I can be as cruel as him too. I will take a pound of flesh of your body if I do not get my revenge"
"Ohh yeah but I will have my own Portia save me"
"The one you were locking lips with this morning?"
"If you remember. Portia was Antonio's best friend's wife. So Noah's future wife will save me from you"
"Seeing the situation, Noah is not here and we do not know who is wife would be, so you do not have anyone to save you"
"Enough with The Merchant of Venice. Lets do maths"
"Ohh yeah.... I totally forgot"
We spend the next hour solving questions and finally we are done with my homework. It would not have been possible if Will had not been here. He is damn good at maths, maybe even better than our teacher. The jerk is better than I had anticipated.

I m sorry for using a reference from The Merchant of Venice. Actually the thing was that Antonio, a Catholic borrows money from his enemy that is Shylock, a jew. Shylock sees this as an opportunity to take his revenge. He agrees to give him money and the deal is made on the terms that if Antonio is unable to return the money by the given time period, Shylock will take a pound Antonio's flesh. In the end Antonio is unable to pay the sum and the moment Shylock tries to take the promised pound of flesh, Portia comes to his rescue. Portia is the wife of Bassanio, Antonio's best friend. Antonio actually borrowed money for Bassanio to woo Portia. It is an amazing book, you people should read it. Please vote and comment.

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