24. I Love You

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"I m sorry kitty, I couldn't control myself..... You just looked so pretty.....Please let me in.... I have no where else to go to"
"Go to your own home"
I muttered trying to get over the fact that he just tried to kiss me.
"I can't"
"Cause I m hopelessly in love with you"
"No you aren't .....you barely know me and you were also making out with that girl"
"Are you jealous??"
I can imagine the way he would be grinning right now behind the closed door. I don't love him..... I love his best friend.
"No of course not. I don't love you. I love your best friend Noah"
"He is somewhere else and you can not contact him. His mother killed your father remember."
"You need not remind me. I m fully aware of that fact. Still I love him."
"Just give us a chance"
"Not until Noah comes back and my feelings are sorted out"
"Noah won't be back for a few months"
"If you love me, a few months won't be a long time for you to wait"
"Do you think we can remain friends till then?"
"Only if you do not try to do anything"
"I promise"
"Promises are meant to be broken and you will break​ yours"
"No I won't. I m a man of my word"
"Quite a statement. Okay we can be friends only if you behave."
"Can I come in now?? I need some water. Shouting like this has taken its toll on me"
I open the door and there he is probabaly freezing because of the cold with the most innocent expression he could manage on his face.
"I need some water too" I say walking over to the kitchen to bring a bottle.
"Cold or warm?" I inquired.
"Whatever you bring is fine"
I hand the bottle over to him and he gulps down half of it.
"Much better. Ell... Listen to me...... Can we get past the fact that I confessed and talk like it never happened?"
"Yesh okay"
"After today I will be back to my jolly self but let me grieve for my love today"
There is pure humour in his voice. I don't think he is serious.
"So you wanna grieve?? Okay we can do one thing. Its something that I have always read in books and stuff"
"Will you get to the point?"
"Okay so there is this thing that people do after breakups and that is eating an ice cream bucket and watching crappy romantic movies"
"Sounds like a great idea. You got ice cream?"
"Yes of course. Why would I mention it if did not have some?"
"And movies??"
"Yeah you idiot. I have everything we need."
We spent the entire night watching the best romances of all time. The first movie was the epic 'Titanic' and I cried when Jack died. No other movie makes me cry but when I watch this......its like a dam has been broken. Next we saw 'Pride and Prejudice' a classic of course, both of us enjoyed it. And after that it was 'Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind'. Halfway through it we slept getting only an hour's sleep before the alarm went off. Right now I m trying to turn the alarm off but Will's arm is draped over me and I can't move.
"Baby just a minute" he mumbled.
"Get up you pervert"
His eyed open up instantly as if I emptied a bucket of cold water over him.
"Hey don't call me that. I m like that only around you"
"I told you....no flirting....nothing with me ....if you wanna stay friends"
"You see ....even before I confessed..... I did flirt. So that is something we had and will have as friends"
"What do we have?"
"Nothing.....go and buy something for me and if you are hungry ..then for yourself too"
"Okay then give me some money"
"You don't have any?"
"I do but why should I spend it on you?"
"Because I m your friend"
"Blah blah blah....now money" he says  putting is hand out in front of him, gesturing to give him the money or he won't bring me anything. What a jerk. A real nice way to treat the person you love. Nope not the person you love.....your friend ... Yes friend nothing more.
"Here" I hand over 5 Dollars to him and point my finger in the direction of the door asking him to get out.
"Relaxxx kitty.. . I m going and I will get you a nice breakfast"
"Okay...you can go now Mr. Walker"
And he leaves the house.
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