20. Karmic Debt

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I enter my class and guess what .... The jerk that I left a minute ago is sitting on the place where I sit. I do not like to sit at any other place in the class. Its nice being by myself in the corner.
I guess I am going to have another encounter with him. This day sucks. What in the world did I do wrong?? Do I have to pay some Karmic debt? Why of all the people do I have to deal with him?
"Excuse me, can you sit somewhere else?"
"Why should I?"
"You said that you are always nice. So be nice and sit somewhere else"
I tried to not show even a hint of sarcasm in my voice but I suppose I did.
"I can sit in the seat beside this"
Ohh god .....
"Can you please leave this corner and let me be?"
"I don't think that would be possible kitty"
"Urghhh...okay just shift to the seat beside this one then"
"Anything for you"
Is he flirting?? Cause if he is I m going to punch him so hard that he himself won't be able to recognise his face.
He shifts to another seat and finally I have this place ..... Unfortunately not to myself. I guess I will have to deal with it.
It's English Literature, my second favourite subject only after art. I can stay in bed all day reading a book. You could call me a nerd but I don't think I m.....there are a hell lot of people who love to read, they just don't admit it. Ms. Varghese is our professor and she is one of the best in our school. I can talk to her about anything. She is more of a friend. I love discussing about fictional characters with her. One day we spent three hours arguing over Pride and Prejudice and Persuasion, both of them written by Jane Austen. According to her, Persuasion was more romantic. How is that even possible, right?
Its more than obvious that Pride and Prejudice is better. Mr. Darcy is the definition of the perfect man. There is no character or a living being who can even be compared to him and she was saying that someone else was better. Like seriously, her sense of judgement is worse than that of mine.
"What are you so engrossed in, kitty?"
"First of all, my name is Elizabeth Stinson and if you were my friend I would allow you to call me Ell but kitty....... What is up with that name?"
"Ouch...it hurt"
He said placing a hand over his heart trying to emphasize that it was his heart that was affected by my words.
"You words hurt kitty....How could you say that I m not you friend?"
"You are not my friend. This is the way I said it. You want me to repeat it again. You see people are able to speak using their lips."
"I meant why would you say we are not friends when we are?"
"When did that happen?"
"About 24 hours from now when you were weeping your heart out in the park"
I am embarrassed by this....clearly. I do not like it when people see me cry.
"Just so you know ....we are not friends and never will be. So you can not call me Ell or kitty. Got it?"
"I consider you a friend even if you don't"
Did he listen to a single word I said in the last five minutes?
"Ms. Stison, out of the class now. You too Mr. Walker"
Ms. Varghese's voice sprang through the entire class and I am still sitting on my seat frozen with shock. I have never been made to leave a class before and now I have to because of this dumbhead.
This day is getting worse by the minute.
"You should stand up .....right about five minutes before"
"This is not funny Mr. Walker"
"Ohh are we on formal terms now kitty?"
We walk out of the class, all eyes on us. I hate feeling like this. It's as if I committed the worst crime in the history of mankind.
"All of it happened because of you"
"Don't accuse me. It was your fault too, kitty."
"Why do you have to say kitty in the end? Its not like you are talking to a lot of people that you have to mention everyone's name when you are talking to them."
"I don't like ending the sentence without calling you kitty. It seems incomplete"
If he does not remove that smirk off his face, I will.
"This is the first time I have been kicked out of a class"
"So it's your first and your first is with me. Amazing"
"It's not a good first. You shouldn't be happy about this"
"A first is a first kitty. Whether good or bad, I don't care "
"It's impossible to shut you up. Okay so you are free now, go wherever you wanna go"
"I wanna go to the same place you do"
"But I don't"
"You can't do anything about it. I will follow you"
"One day I m going to beat you up."
"One day but that day is not today, right?"
"It could be if you don't stop irritating me."
"I can survive you beating me up but I can't survive not irritating you"
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