14. Breakup

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"You are breaking up with me and that too for her......for that pathetic looking bitch"
"Hey Don't say that about her okay....and I m not breaking up because I love her......I just think we are done"
We see Natalie crying and coming out of the room she was in with Noah a moment ago. What happened ????
"You don't have him alright. Once he comes back to he his senses......he will be pleading in front of me to take him back"
Was that directed to me???? I m not sure. Rach is standing by my side so it could have been said for her. So he broke up with her because he likes one of us. Even though the information is making me giddy, I feel bad for Natalie at the same time. She had been with him for what like 2 years and he left her for someone he barely knows. And why did this happen on our movie night??? The front door slams shut and all of us are just looking at each other totally black and unaware of the situation we are in.
"How are we supposed to act in situations such as this??"
Alex hissed from behind me and I don't really know when he came here. He was standing across​ me for God's sake. I guess I go on my FLIGHT OF FANCY more often than not and do not realize what is happening around me.
"I m also trying to find a solution"
"Then find it faster so that we can act upon it"
"I suggest that you go after Natalie since we don't know if she was talking about me or Rach and could burst out on any one of us"
"Okaay... Then goodbye and goodluck until we meet again"
"Okay nemo .....Now hurry up cause it has been like 5 minutes since we heard the front door slam shut and god knows where she would be now"
"You should become a consultant....you are really good at advice"
"No I m not and quoting CHANDLER 'I am not great at advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment' "
"We don't have time to listen to you ramble about friends right now."
After saying this he left in search of Natalie and now its only me and Rach.
Noah is still in the same room he was in.
"So what are we doing. Standing here all night until someone else comes by to enjoy the drama"
"Noo, but do you have any ideas about handling this"
I say pointing the place around me trying to indicate the awkward situation we are in.
"No I don't but we have got to something right?"
"Yeah I know..... I mean he is our friend and we were supposed to have have fun tonight."
Rachel raises her eyebrows in the direction of the room he is in and I take the hint.
I go inside to find him curled up like a ball on the floor. He looks like he has been crying for days and there is a certain smell in this room. ALCOHOL.
I hate this smell and people who drink alcohol are not my type of people. I guess he has been drinking.
"Ohh Ell you are here. You have no idea how many years I waited to get to know you"
"Excuse me, we met like one and a half week ago and here you are talking about years and stuff"
I go closer to him and sit there. I can clearly see his face now. His beautiful, gentle face is crushed and there is pain in his eyes. I mean I know it seems like a sentence from a cliched love story but I can't help it. He seriously looks broken....no other word can describe his state better than this.
"You have known me for a week and half but I have known you for my entire life"
This doesn't make any sense. He is from a different city. How could he have known me. I am not that active on social media and I don't really have any friends outside of this city. There are certain relatives but I dont know them. Does he even know what he is saying?
I have heard that drunk people speak the truth and that is what is happening right now I guess.
"What are you saying Noah?? How could you have known me when you lived in a different city"
"Your dad was murdered, wasn't he?"
How does he know all this stuff about me?
"How do you know that?"
"Cause it was my damn fucking mother who killed him"
Wait what??? I clearly remember that it was a guy. HIS MOTHER COULD NOT HAVE KILLED MY DAD.
Everything is fading and a sudden drowsiness takes over me.
'I m running and running until each muscle in my body hurts.....away from everything and everybody. All this drama is making me sick.'I love you Ell'
'Love you too dad'
I say and then he is gone. Tears streaming down my face cause I know he is not going to come back. Why couldn't I have a life of a normal teenager?? Why was my dad dead and everyone else had one??? Why god why?? What did I do that was so wrong that I have to live without a parent??'
So what do you think....is it actually Noah's mom who did this or is he just drunk?? Wait till the next chapter ....it is gonna get more interesting and fun to read. Please vote for my story and leave your comments behind.

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