7.The Sunrise

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Its been two hours since we came. We have been sitting silently since then enjoying the view and it's kind of comforting. I never knew that I could experience comfortable silence with someone who I barely knew. I don't know what it is but I trust him, maybe it's my instinct or something else but I have never been so open with a guy until him. At this moment I don't care if he has a girlfriend and if he does not like me the way I want him to. The only thing I care about is that we are sitting in a beautiful place enjoying each other's company.
"So which place is this exactly?"
"Ohh noo no noo, don't think for even a second that I am gonna tell you..... This is our place from now on...you can't come here alone or with anyone else....... so if you ever wish to visit this land of dreams you have to contact me"
"You know where this place is....you can come here alone, can't you"
"I can but I won't"
"I won't either just tell me the name of the goddamn place"
"Let's call it neverland....you know the magical kingdom of Tinkerbell​ with pixiedust and stuff."
"I want to know  the real name Naoh"
"But I am not going to tell you Ell"
Now I know that whatever I do I m not going to get the name out of him.
"As we have decided that you aren't telling me.....so now it's your duty to change the topic and start a new one"
"Ummmm don't you think that it is unfair..... I m not much of a thinker....why don't you ask me to do something else and I will do it without any further complains."
"Okayyy describe me."
I love it when people describe me....you know its kind of fun ... You get a chance to see how other people look at you.
"A brunette with fabulous curls that rest above her shoulders. Beauty lies in her grey eyes that are deep enough for someone to drown in them. I won't say anything about her body except that it's perfect. One more thing I would like to say while describing her.... and that is .....she is the friendliest person I have ever met and  she is a perfect match for my childhood friend Will."
The last sentence kind of broke my heart. He thinks that I m perfect for his friend ...not for him. But why would he think that I am interested in him since he has the girl of his dreams dating him.
"Alright..thanku for all the compliments and who is this Will?"
"Will is the guy who knows everything about me. He has been with me through thick and thin. He is the son of my dad's business partner and that is the reason we have been inseparable since our childhood. A good news for you is that he is coming here next week and I m pretty sure that both of you would like each other"
Maybe this guy will be a good distraction from his friend...... and the way Noah is describing him, he seems like a nice guy. I just hope he is single and I fall for him even though its kinda impossible with me being in love with the ignorant fellow by my side but I will try my best.
"I can't wait to meet him"
"Ohh darlingg you have to wait but its only seven days and after that you won't be able to keep your mind or your heart at rest"
"It seems like you are the one in love with him"
"No no no Natalie is more than enough for me and I m just building up his image so that you fall for him the moment you meet him"
"Keep your imagination at rest mister. I have not even met him and its highly improbable for me to fall for a guy who I don't even know"
"That we will see"
"Ohh yeah we will"
A lot of time has passed since we came here and the sun is starting to come up lightning the entire place up. I thought that the view I saw at night was the most beautiful thing I would ever have the pleasure of seeing but it turns out that the sun right in front of me wants to prove my thoughts wrong.
The sky has lightened up with the shades of every colour possible. I can see violet, blue, orange, red, yellow and a spectrum of innumerable colurs in front of me.
It's as if the pallete of an artist fell down and painted the sky. The view is just gorgeous.
"I think its time for us to head home"
"I don't think that I can go home right now"
"There are two reasons for that .....first one being that I can't miss the sunrise and the scene that's going to unravel in front of mee...the second reason is that if I go home now ...my mom will know I was out all night and I will be grounded"
"So what are we going to do??"
"Stay here for a while forgetting all our worries and for once, live in the present..... Let god surprise us with what he has in his box for us today"
"Sounds like a plan"

There is pleasure in the pathless woods, there is rapture in the lonely shore, there is society where none intrudes, by the deep sea, and music in its roar; I love not Man the less, but Nature more.

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