Who are these people?

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*Rachel's Pov*

"Who's here?" I asked looking up at him. "Our friends from Pentatonix. C'mon! You'll love them!" he said as I followed out to the living where a woman and two men sat. Oh boy.. The one with the beard said "Hi there! My name is Avi! Nice to finally meet you!" He says in his really low voice. "Hi! My name is Kirstie! Finally we have another girl in this possey!" she said smiling. She was really pretty! "Hey! I'm Kevin! I beatbox and I think I am sorta cool for that. Thank God your here because these two wouln't stop talking about it!:" He said directing towards Scott and Mitch. They were always talking about me? I smiled. "Hi! I'm Rachel..." I introduced myslef. "Guess what you guys. She likes to sing!" Scott said. Oh God, hopefully they don't want me to sing for them.

*Kirstie's Pov*

She sings? That's probably why the two lovebirds wouldn't shutup about her! She is a little smaller than Mitch which I think is adorable! I asked "If you don't mind, could you sing for us." She said she didn't really know any pop songs. "What kind of songs do you know" I asked. "Lullibies" she said quietly. "You could sing one of those for us!" Kevin said She started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She is actually really good!

*Mitch's Pov*

We sat there smiling at her. She was suprisingly really good! After she finished everyone clapped and cheered. She blushed at them and looked down. "That was awesome Rachel! Really good!" Kevin said clapping. "Thank you, so you guys are Pentatonix? They told how you guys are A capella. Can I hear?" I thought she'd never ask!

*Avi's Pov*

She sang for us and it was good! She asked us to sing for her and we gladly agreed. She sat on the couch as we were discussing what song we could sing. I suggested Can't hold us and they said it was perfect. We started singing and she smiled widley. When we finished she was standing up and clapping. I bowed and everyone followed. "Mr.Avi! Your voice is really low!! It's so cool!" AW! She called me Mr.Avi! "You can just call me Avi if you want!" I said smiling. "Oh ok.. Avi.." she said giggling.

*Kevin's Pov*

I started beat boxing and she looked at me in shock. Hopefully it was the good kind of shocked. After we finished she stood up and clapped. Yep, it was the good kind of shock."You are really good at beatboxing! How do you do it?" she asked. "Lots and Lots of practice!" I replied. We talked for awhile and she told us about her life. I feel bad for her because she knew her parents. But, now she's with Mitch and Scott, and I know they will take good care of her.

*Scott's POV*

After they all left Mitch and I were hungry so we asked her if she wanted anything. "Anything you have I could eat." We decided we would go out to flaunt our little Beyoncé to the world. We got our table and sat down. I asked "Rachel what would you like? You could get anything." "Um, I guess a salad would be nice.." After Mitch ordered for us, we were waiting and talking about lots of things. She has a good sense of humor. I love it! We got our food and started eating. It was really delicous! When we finished eating two girls about 16 came up and asked for a picture. We gladly took a picture with them. One of the girls asked "Omg is that your daughther you were adopting??!!!" "Yes, she is!" I said hugging her into me. She smiled "She's adorable! Can I take a picture with you too?" She shrugged and smiled for the camera. They said thanks and went on their way. After we payed we left for home,

OK You might realize I am updating multiple times a day, it's because I want to get this completed. Soo ayy

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