New Orleans.

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*Scott's Pov*

"Hey Katie! What do you want to go do?" I said hugging him from behind. He turns around and puts his arms around my neck. "Hmm I don't know Sharon! There's tons of things to do here!" he said shurgging. "I know something I could do." I said wigging my eyebrows. "SCOTT HOYING!" he said slapping my chest. "Kidding Kidding!!!" I said laughing. He kissed me passionatly. "That's all your getting for now big boy." He said with a wink and walked away swaying his hips. "Unf" I say eyeing him. "What?" he said giggling. "Nothing" I say biting my lip. "There's something." He says coming over to me. "You got me." I said snaking my arms around his waist. "Well then what is it?" he asked looking up at me with his beautiful chocolate brown eyes. "You." I just started kissing him, not even giving him the chance to respond. He went along with it. Our lips moved in sync as I layed him down onto the couch. Never letting our lips break apart. I hovered over him and started lightly kissing his neck. He let out little whimpers. "Mitch if you want me to stop, I can." I say leaving trails of kisses across his neck and jawline. "N-no" he mutters out. It is so cute when he stutters. I go back to kissing his lips and Mitch and I traded places so that he was on top and I was on the bottom. "I love you so fucking much Scott Hoying." I smiled at him. " I love you to infinity and beyond." I said giving him one last kiss before we both drift off into a deep sleep. 

*Mitch's Pov*

I woke up to see that we had slept for three hours! "Scottland! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!" I say getting off of him and jumping on the couch, causing him to bounce. "OK! Mitch calm down!" he laughs and I go over to him and grab his and hand and attempt to pull him off the couch. "We only have two hours left until the show! Let's go explore!" I said as he got up. "C'mon let's just walk around. I'm sure we'll find something to do." He says taking my hand and walking to the door. I still get butterflies when Scott hold my hand. 

We were walking around The French Quarter, looking at the river and watching all of the street performers. Then we see this group of children wearing blazers and ties. "Mrs.B! Isn't that Mitch and Scott from Pentatonix?!" she asked. "Oh my God! Yes it is!" she says walking over to us. "Hi! We.... well me  some of the girls and I are big fans of you! May we take a picture with you?" "Yes! Of Course!" I said and we all posed for a picture. Then one of the girls come up.  "Hi Scott! Hi Mitch! My name is Victoria and these are my pentaholic friends!" She said refering to two other girls. "Well Hi you guys!!" Scott said with a beautiful smile. We talked for a while and told us that their choir was singing at some special mass that's going on. "Could you sing for us maybe?"  I said asking the teacher. "Us? Sing for you? Well um sure!" she said and told her choir to get into  formation. They started singing and they were awesome! Then a soloist sang and her voice was just amazing! I liked it a lot. I remembered we met her form earlier. Ah! Her name was Victoria! When they finishd, Scott and I clapped and cheered. "Great Job! You guys are wonderful!" Scott said still clapping. "And what was your name? Victoria? Such a nice voice!" I said and her eyes grew big. "M-me?!" she said still in shock. "Yes you! Do you have twitter? I could follow you so we could chat more!" I said with a big smile on my face. She tells me her twitter and told our goodbyes. I looked back to see Victoria and her pentaholic friends squealing and jumping up and down. I just smiled and contiued our date.

*Scott's Pov*

"We still have an hour and 30 minuets until we have to get back." I informed. "I'm kinda hungry." he said rubbing his tummy. I laugh at him a little. "What about that place?" I say pointing to a place called Café Du Mounde. "Oh yum!" He said pulling me into the place. W ordered our stuff and sat down. "Hey Mitch?" I ask trying to make a conversation. "Hm?" he says on his phone, "What was your favorite part of New Orleans?" "ummmmm" he says putting his phone down and thinking. "I liked meeting that choir! They were super sweet! and talented!" "I know! They were awesome!" The waiter comes and gives us our beingnets and we continued talking. "WELL what  liked was spending the whole day with you babe." I smiled and kissed him. We got some stares but I don't care. I looked at my clock. "Mitch eat up. We have 45 more minuets left. He stuffed his last beingent in his mouth and  smiled. I giggled. "C'mon let's go." I said helping him up and giving him multiple kisses and we headed for the venue. 

I did another Scott one because the Mitch one was kinda long idk

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