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Hello friends! Can we be friends? Is that ok? 

*Rachel's Pov*

I walked into the kitchen threw my hands in the air and said "ALRIGHT BOYS! LETS BAKE A CAKE!" I say plastering on a fake smile. "Let's do this!" they said. Mitch got out the eggs and cracked them into the bowl. He lifted the egg up the highest he could. Sometimes I feel like the adult here. "Mitch! You know better! It'll go everywhere!" I say crossing my arms. "Sorry mommy." He said in a little kid voice. I just rolled my eyes. He cracked all of the eggs and put the mixture in. "Will you do the honor of mixing it?" Scott said handing me the mixer. I turned the mixer on and mix the batter. "Mix mix mix mix it good mix it good just like you should." Scott raps. Mitch joins in a couple times later. I just smile a little. I'm to sad to laugh right now. After we we're done Mitch asked "Can I pleeaaaase can I lick the spoon?" "What if I wanted to?" Scott asked trying to take the spoon but MItch moved back. "You can share it!" I say solving their problems. They just shrug and and tale turns licking the spoon. Scott put some on Mitch's nose and kissed it off. I smiled and went back to my room to leave them to it.

*Mitch's Pov*

Scott is such a dork. My dork. I mean, he put cake batter on my nose just so he could kiss me. I just smiled and kissed him back. "That was lame." "Sorry." he replied putting the cake in the oven. I just giggled and ran over to the couch and holding my arms open singniling that I wanted to cuddle. He comes over to me and lays his head on my chest. I play with his hair and I start singing.

A moment like this 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this 

Some people search forever for that one special kiss

Oh I can't believe it's happeneing to me 

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this 

I felt him start to fall asleep. I felt a little tired too. But I HAD to finish the song.

Some people wait a lifetime for a moment, a moment like this... 

Oh I can't believe it's happening to me..

some people wait a lifetime for a moment like this.

Then, I feel asleep.

*Scott's Pov*

I feel asleep Mitch's chest and hearing his beautiful, flawless voice. But, I had a dream. I wouldn't even call it a dream. I'd call it hell. I was standing in this beautiful feild. I saw a figure coming towards me. It was my ex boyfriend. Braxton. I hated him so much. He made me feel worthless. I could never leave him because he was always able to beat me senseless because he was bigger than me... but thankfully I got bigger than him and left. Anyway, he came up to me. "Sup Scott? How ya been." He said like the douche bag he is. "I'm I uh I am.. uhm..." I kept stuttering. Why was I so scared? OH YEAH! I forgot HE WAS 30 FEET TALL! "Where's Mi-Mitch?" I said stuttering more. "Right over there with your little daughter." He pointed and piles of bones. One smaller than the other. "N-no!" I cried out and fell to the floor. "Now it's your turn." He said using his gigantic foot to crush me. I woke up sweating and crying and Mitch rubbing my back. "Shhh Scott It's ok.. I'm here... Shh babe." He said trailng kisses all over my face. "Mitch... I just want to tell you that if I die tomorrow, just remember... I will always love you." He just stared at me for a while and quickly pulled me into a hug. 

That is all.

But that title though.

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