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*Rachel's Pov*

After yesterday I hadn't gotten a text from that number. I was so happy because now Josh was out of the picture. Now it's like 3 A.M and I still haven't fallen asleep. I got this absoultly crazy idea. I got up from out of my bed. and started walking to Scott and MItch's room. "Guys?" I whisper quietly. I hear Scott say in a low raspy voice "What are you doing up??" "I can't sleep.." I say twiddling my thumbs. "aww come lay with us we'll sing you to sleep." Mitch says. "You'd do that for me?" I say walking over and laying down next to Mitch. "Of course we would." Scott said as he started singing Blue by Beyoncé. Mitch joined in and I felt myself drifting off to sleep. 

*Scott's Pov*

Rachel said she couldn't sleep so we said she could sleep with us and we'd sing to her. It was honestly so cute seeing her cuddling up to Mitch. 


I woke up to see Mitch's arms wrapped around Rachel and her head on his chest. I smiled at the two. I love them with all of my heart.  I would do anything for these two. Expecilally make them breakfast!! I go into the kitchen and start making them some eggs, bacon and toast. Once I finished I put all of it on a little table and walked to our room. "Wakeeeeeyyy wakeeeeyyy I got eggs and bakeeeyyy" I sing. "BACON?!" Mitch shoots up. I laugh at Mitch and give him his breakfast. Rachel was still sleeping. "Racheeeeeeeeeel" I come over and start tickling her. "HEY STOP!" she said giggling. "Wake up and I will!" I said continuing to tickle her. "Ok ok! I'm up!!" she said pushing my hands away. "OOh food!" she said as I gave her it. "Thaaaaaanksssssss" she said. I ate my food too. Once we finished Mitch said "Hey Scott do you know what today is??" "Hmmmm I don't knowwww?" I replied. "Come with me Rach." He said as he took her hand. 

*Mitch 's Pov* 

She followed me into the backroom. Scott also tagged along. "Rachel we have been noticing how much you've been enjoying Beyoncé and so we bought you this!!" I pulled out her very own Sufboard and Angel shirts. Just like ours. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU! I have been wanting these!" She said as she hugged the shirts to her. "That's not all we got you!" Scott said and pulled out 3 VIP meet and greet passes to meet Beyoncé! She fell to the floor and  started crying. "YOU GUYS! THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH! YOU ARE THE GREATEST TWO PEOPLE ON THE PLANET! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" she said running up and hugging us. It was the longest and best hug I have ever had. "Happy five month adoption aniversary!!!" We said together. "I love you guys." "We love you more! Now!!! It's time to get packing! TOUR STARTS TOMORROW!! LET'S GO TEAM!" we all put our hands in. "ONE TWO THREE! BREAK!" Scott says and we all go and start packing. I can't wait to spend these few months on tour with my Ptx family AND my real  family!!!


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