The Choice.

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*Avi's Pov*

Rachel has a huge decison to make. I feel super bad for her because she is like my little sister. But our manager is right, a voice like that can't be unoticed! She is so much fun to tour with too. This tour is by far the best tour! If she leaves.. a part of us will be missing.. Oh I'm getting to deep. I'll stop.

*Rachel's Pov*

I woke up about around twelve. I sighed, pretty loudly I might add. Scott pulls back my curtain. "Morning sunshine!" "Morning Scottland!" I said streching and smiling my sleepy smile. I got out of bed and went to go take a shower. I hear Mitch singing. "He's been there for 1000 hours." Avi says laughing at his own joke. I knocked on the door lightly and say "Miiiiiitchhh" "Whaaaaat" he says back still singing. "Other people have to take a shower too!" I said giggling. "Oh sorry!" he said turning off the water and putting his clothes on. "I'll just finish when you get out." Sounds good!" he said as I got ready to take my shower.

*Scott's Pov*

"Our Manager is coming in an hour.." I say breaking the silence. "Yeah... don't remind us.." Kirstie said trying not try cry. "Don't worry Kirst. If she does go, we can just facetime her every moring and night!" Kevin suggested."Yeah!" Mitch sighed. 

*Hour Later*

"Rachel! Come out here!!" I say. "What Scotty? I was about to be- Oh..." He smile quickly dropped. "It's time." our manager said and they both sat on the couch.  Rachel sighed. "" she looks up at us with a kind of sorry look on her face. OH NO! "I choose...PENTATONIX!" she said jumping up and smiling. "YES!!!" all of us scream and hug her. Our manager sighs. "Well it was worth a try.. thank you for your time." 

*Mitch's Pov*

She chose us! This is the happiest I hav ever been! We all smothered her with hugs and kisses. "Your welcome!" she said wiping off the kisses we gave her. We all laughed. Then Esther came in. "Hey you guyysss!" "Hi!" we all said back. "Well since we are in New Orleans I think we should go see the sights! They say it's a really lovely place!" I actually love this place. It's so romantic. I think the girls are going to go do something and Avi and Kevin are going to go on a tour around the city. So that means a Scott and I have a little date day today. ^.^ 


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