Who is it?

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*Scott's Pov*

"Do you have any idea who it could be?" I ask Mitch. He shakes his head. "No one I know of. She doesn't really know that many guys." Wait. "What about that boy? That's the only boy her age she's been around. Jared? Jacob? Johnathan? " "Josh?" Mitch said rasing  his eyebrows. "YEAH! HIM! But that would be crazy! Wouldn't it?" "Toatally! Ugh I just want to know!" he says stomping his foot a little. It was adorable. "Why don't you go ask her? You do better at this kind of stuff!" He just rolls his eyes and goes to her room.

*Mitch's Pov*

"Rachieeeee?" I sing. "I'm not telling you Mitchell." She knows I don't like to be called that! I come into her room and stare at her with a hand on my hip. "What?" she giggled. "I don't like being called that." "What? Mitchell? MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL!" she said like a kindergardener. I plug my ears with  my fingers "LALALALALA CAN'T HEAR YOU!" We both laugh at how childish we are. "What do you need?" she said calming down. "Tell me who you like! I won't tell him!" She laughed. "He alreadys knows! We're dating!" DATING?! "Oooh getting officiall!" We laughed. "Now you have to tell me!!" "Nope!" "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeease" I sing until I'm out of breath. Then I dramtically gasp for more air and continue. "Pleeeee-" she grabbed my lips. "If you shush your mouth I will tell you!" I quickly sat still, and quiet. "Ok....so the person is....'

*Rachel's Pov*

"Josh." There I told him. His eyes grew wide. "Why him Rach? You could do so much better! I mean don't you remember what he put you through?! Cmon girl!" "Mitch!" I said playfully slapping him. "He said he was sorry and he changed! He was already cute but the way he acted wasn't! But now he's changed!" "Oh Scott's not gonna like this" he says getting up. I grab his hand "Please don't tell him. I mean I love him and all but you know how agressive he gets when someone hurts someone he loves." "Trust me I know." he says smiling "I won't tell. Promise." He said as he kissed my cheek and walked out the room.

I am just curious to know, what are your people's favorite youtubers AND if you recomend any?

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