The Quest of the iPhone!

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tbh i didnt even know what to call this chapter.

*Mitch's Pov*

I went into Rachel's room at around 7 A.M to find her sitting there reading her book she had from  the orphanage. "Morning! Why are you up so early?" I said as I sat next to her. "Just used to it I guess.." she answered, glued to her book. "You seem intrested in that book, what is it?" I asked. "The Fault in our Stars" she answered as she fnished the chapter. "I've been wanting to read that!!! Can I borrow it after you??" "Of course you can!!!!" she replied. "Thanks girly!" "So, whats on the schedule for today" she asked me. "More shopping!!!!" I said as Scott came in. "For a phone!!!" he said as he kissed us both good morning. "Really?!??! Are you guys kidding me??! Thank you so so so so MUCH!" She said as she jumped up and down. We both laughed at her reaction. "Yeah go get ready! We'll be waiting!!!!" I saida as we left so she could get ready.

*Rachel's Pov* 

I offically have the best dads EVER! I have been dreaming for a phone for who knows how long! You might be wondering: Rachel, how do you know about cellphones? Just because I was an orphan doesn't mean I was entirely shut out from the world. "Yeah go get ready! We'll be waiting!!!!" Mitch said as I freaked out before them. After they got out of my room, I got on one of the outfits Kirstie bought for me. It wasn't really that extravegant. A teal shirt with leggings and poka-dotted Toms was my outfit. I walked out to see Mitch drinking some coffee and watching Tv and Scott was making breakfast. "Oh I forgot, Morning you guys!" "Morning Rachie!!" Mitch said taking a sip of his coffee. 

*Scott's Pov*

Rachel freaked out when we said  we'd get her a phone. I made breakfast for her and she said it was delicous! She is too sweet!!!!! After breakfast, we all piled in to my car and Mitch and I started singing for her. We sang all of the songs off PTX Vol. 3. (I know it's not out yet but this is 2 years later) We got to the phone place and we let her look around. It took her a while, but she said she found the perfect one! "Can I get this one?" she asked holding up a white iphone. "Of course you can! C'mon lets go get it set up and all!" I said leading her to a woman that worked there. She gave her her phone number and everything she needed. Then we left. Of course she was on her phone, checking out all of the features. It was so cute how amazed she was.  

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