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How are you guys enjoying this? hahaaaaa.

*Mitch's Pov*

On the car ride home, we were listening to Beyoncé because Rachel asked. We were jamming out in the car being a cute family and all. We got into the house and Scott asked me "Hey should we do our video with Rachel? Like maybe a photobooth tag? We haven't done one of those in AGES!" "Great idea Scotty!!" I walked over Rachel who was watching Spongebob on the Tv. "You like this show?" I asked sitting next to her. "Yeah!!! What's it called?" she asked facing me. "SpongeBob Squarepants! It's my favorite show in the world!!!" "I don't blame you! It's hilarious!!!" she said giggling. "Mitch ask her!!!" He said with excitement. "Alright, alright!" I looked at her and asked "Do you want to be in a SuperFruit video with us?!?!" I smiled. "OF COURSE I DO!!!!" she said "What type of video is it?"

*Scott's Pov*

"A photo booth tag!" I came into the room with my laptop. I sat down on the other side of Rachel so she was in the middle. I started the video. 3..2..1 "Hey everyone welcome to the greatest show on the internet even after 3 years! I'm Mitch!" I said and Mitch got the memo. "And I'm Scott" he put his hand on her shoulder and said "THIS is Wyatt, and TODAY" "We are doing the photobooth tag!" Rachel said. "OOh Takin over!" I said laughing. Mitch laughed "Actually this our daughther, Rachel" he said as we smiled at each other then at her. "ANYWAAAAY" she said trying to keep the video going "let's get crackalackin!"

*Rachel's Pov*

They started the video and introduced themselves as each other and not their names. They called me Wyatt, their cat, I got what they were doing, These two are so funny! We were doing the tag and we went on the twirl effect. It twisted us all together and we all laughed. We went on the Mirror affect and only I was in it. "ahaha sorry you guys! The rest of the video is all about me!" I did a pose. "NUH UH GIRL! Mama's always spotlight!" Mitch came on to the screen. Scott and I laughed. A few more silly faces and effects later Mitch was like "Now It's time for our WEEEKLYYYY OBSESSSIOOOOONS!" singing like a phycotic person which made me giggle. "Well Mitch MY weekly obsession is this ray of sunshine right here!" Scott said hugging me from the side. "Imma agree witchu" Mitch said and hugged me too. "Well more importantly my weekly obsession is.....WYATT!" I said as I took Wyatt into my arms. "Hey what about us?!" Mitch said fake crying. "You guys are my lifetime obsession" I said and they both awww'd and kissed me on the cheek at the same time. I smiled a silly smile. They told the camera their songs of the week and I said mine and said "Ok Rachel now you have to sing" "What?! What?! noooo no no" I said shaking my head. "All you have to do is Goodbyeeee" Scott sang. "Ugh fine" I sang that with them. "Why don't yoy subscribe because you can't say no to this face" Mitch said and on cue I said "Pwease Subscwibe?" with the best puppy dog face. We ended the video and Wyatt jumped on my lap and feel asleep.

*Wyatts Pov*

Meow Meow Motherfucker.

Wow Rachel's pov was long.

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