Chapter 1

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Pov Lexi

'Lexi, go walk the dog!' my mother says.

'Yess momm, I'm already going'

I pick up the dog belt and Quinn immediately runs towards me. I put on my leather jacket, my hood over my head and pur my earphones in.

When I'm outside I walk to the nearby dog park.

It's Sunday today and this week I was free from school. The reason why I didn't have school this week I'll tell you in a bit. There are a lot of people here in the park.

I let go of Quinn and he immediately runs to the other dogs. I slowly walk behind him with a smile on my face. I love him so much.

Well the reason why I didn't have school this week is because I had to get ready for my new school. It's not like I moved away from my last school, I just got expelled.

I get aggressive pretty fast so I had a few fights at school, just a few though. Can you read the sarcasm out if that sentence already? Well I can. So I fought a lot at school and the principal didn't want me to stay so he expelled me. Great.

I really don't wanna go to the new school. My brother goes to that school too, it's gonna be crazy.

My mom got pretty mad when she find out I got expelled. But I mean it's her fault that I am the way I am right now. I got her genes so I can't do much about it.

Oops, I totally forgot to introduce myself!

I am Lexi Daniëls and 18 years old. I am Spanish form my mom's side and American from my dad's side and I live in Miami. I have a brother of 25 years old, Cameron and a brother of 19 years old, Levi. I also have a little sister of 6 years old, Chloë but she has a different dad. My dad sort of left my mom, even though he lives ten minute driving away.

My little sister means the world for me. Of course I am being the overprotected sister but I don't care, I won't let anything happen to her.

Cameron doesn't live with us. He lives with his wife 4 hours away from us, which is a bummer.

My mom has a boyfriend, also the dad of Chloë. I don't like that guy, he slaps me a lot of times without any reason. I don't know who he thinks he is but I just don't do anything back before my mom gets in between.

My mom was a kickboxing champion form the year 2000 till 2010. This year Cameron got champion. My goal is to become a champion one day too.

My dad is a mafia boss. He is the biggest leader in America. He has a lots of girls chasing him, mostly for his money of course. Stupid gold diggers.

Sometimes I go to my dad his house. The only reason I would go to that house is because I had a fight at home. I just go to his house to rest my mind and to train.

My dad regrets it that he never was there for us while growing up. So now he sort of tries to buy us out, I'd say. He tries to give us loads of money but Levi never accepts it. I only accept it if I've done a mission for him. Cameron and my dad are just good with each other.

Last year he gave me a new car for my birthday, I didn't want to accept it but he kept pushing it.

When I want to train my boxing I go to he office building. I've got my own space sort of. It's in his own office. I also teach kids of 12/13/14 in a different room, I like it.

Because we are quite well known in my dads world me and Levi use aliases. His name is Dean Adams and mine is Bella Adams.

Friends? I don't keep myself busy with that shit. They're mostly not able to trust and sometimes just annoying. They let you go whenever they find someone 'better' or more 'fun'. I have Quinn, my dog, and he is better than anyone as a friend.

Relationships? Love? Nah, I don't do that anymore. On my 'old' school I was in a relationship with the 'badboy'. It was so stupid thinking he actually loved me. All he wanted was the sex of course, so he broke up with me after we fucked.

Since that day he can't leave me alone. He's annoying me everywhere, saying he wants to do it with me again but I don't want shit from him.

I really hope there isn't a 'badboy' on my new school. I hate attention from people I don't love. If Quinn is not next to me I just want to sit with my earphones in and a hoodie on my head. I don't want anything from others, I have enough with myself.

And those annoying hoe's that can't keep looking for attention from the badboys. They really can get the fuck out. I fought mostly with that type of girls. And you know why? Because the badboy was giving me attention and not them. Like what the fuck. I didn't even asked for that attention. If you didn't have 500 pounds of make up on your face you might've gotten attention from the loyal boys.

Those type of girls annoy the shit out of me, holy fuck.

Enough about me. I whistle and Quinn immediately comes running to me. He listens so well.

I put the belt back on and we walk home.

When I arrive home I take Quinn his belt off and together we walk into the room of my little sister.

I knock on the door and hear her say 'come in!' with her cute voice which makes me smile.

I open the door and Quinn walks inside.

'Quinn!' she screams. I walk through the door and she screams 'Lexi!'

'Heyy sweetie' I say with a smile.

'Heyy! Are we gonna box like yesterday? At your dad his place!' she says hyperactive.

Even though she came out of the seeds of such a person, Chloë is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

'No I'm sorry little girl, I gotta do something. We're gonna do it next week, alright?'

'But then I have to wait soooooooo long' she grumbles.

'I'm sorry princess. I'm gonna pick you up Monday after school and we will train our asses off, alright?'

'Yesss, yay!' She says happy while she hugs me.

'Well I'm going, bye little princess.'

'Byeee and bye Quinn' she says while she waves to Quinn with her cute little arms.

Oh I love her so much.

This is sort of my first chapter, hopefully you guys like it in English (: - 1144 words

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